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New Member
Hey guys this is my first posting so right away I apologize if I am posting in the wrong area.

I am an olympic weightlifter, not a gd crossfitter, and I am only concerned with strength gains. I still need to add some body weight to fill out the 105kg weight class but I am not worried about that.

I have just finished my first cycle of a low dose test e back in November and plan on going again around March.

My question to you all is should I do a cycle of 500 test e for 12 weeks with or without dbol OR another low dose test e with tren a in there as well?
Haha thanks. My first cycle I only did 350/week just to get a feel for it and it went pretty well. So I'll just stick with 500/week and probably throw dbol in there.

So I guess my question now would be when to start tren? I'm guessing from what I am hearing it wont be any time soon.
What's everyone's fascination with Tren? Sure its a awesome compound that gets good results but so are many other compounds.. And they a lot less fuckn taxing too
Gains from dbol don't last. Like others have mentioned, npp or deca stacked with test. Npp and test prop if testing is a concern.
Do you compete / plan on competing soon?

Weightlifting is a drug tested sport even at the amateur level. I wouldn't run anything that will have long-lingering metabolites in case you decide to compete at some point soon. Keep this in mind when planning cycles.

No deca or equipose, the metabolites linger for a while and could case a positive test result. Test + dbol would be my recommendation. It's simple and easy to do, just be progressive with your test dosages over time and you will make progress and should be able to plan around competition easily.
Do you compete / plan on competing soon?

Weightlifting is a drug tested sport even at the amateur level. I wouldn't run anything that will have long-lingering metabolites in case you decide to compete at some point soon. Keep this in mind when planning cycles.

No deca or equipose, the metabolites linger for a while and could case a positive test result. Test + dbol would be my recommendation. It's simple and easy to do, just be progressive with your test dosages over time and you will make progress and should be able to plan around competition easily.

I don't plan on competing for a while, maybe end of the year so I will have a solid plan to avoid failling the teat.
That's good to hear. I would still be concerned about nandrolones. The metabolites can be detected for a very long time even after the drug has been discontinued. I wouldn't be concerned about random testing unless you are at a really high level but I would be concerned about Deca/NPP & EQ causing you to test positive even if you have been off them for a while. You can still plan around it if you have a long time before competition but fuck, I personally wouldn't.

I would try something like 750mg test w/ dbol, but I don't oly lift or compete so TIFWIW.
That's good to hear. I would still be concerned about nandrolones. The metabolites can be detected for a very long time even after the drug has been discontinued. I wouldn't be concerned about random testing unless you are at a really high level but I would be concerned about Deca/NPP & EQ causing you to test positive even if you have been off them for a while. You can still plan around it if you have a long time before competition but fuck, I personally wouldn't.

I would try something like 750mg test w/ dbol, but I don't oly lift or compete so TIFWIW.

I wish they would stop testing like they do, maybe we would win for a change.
I wish they would stop testing like they do, maybe we would win for a change.

Very true. I'll never fully understand the dogmatic devotion to drug testing athletes. Why would a country want weaker athletes and less wins? Especially when guys will just find ways around the test anyway....
Very true. I'll never fully understand the dogmatic devotion to drug testing athletes. Why would a country want weaker athletes and less wins? Especially when guys will just find ways around the test anyway....

Great question man, same for the military, I juat just escaped ft. Hood and I think they should give all combat arma mandatory injections!
So for my second cycle I would do 500mg test E for 12 weeks then would it be better to kick start with test p or end with it, both? And what dosage?

I was leaning towards using it at the end starting at week 11 and using it to week 14 then pct 3 days after last jab of p.