Next cycle time, like some feedback


New Member
Hello all. Hoping to get some feedback on cycle. I have 3 cycles with just test-e and pct and 1 cycle with just test-c and pct. wanted to work different levels and see how i felt on just one substance. Now I am looking to maybe add one more maybe two but thats it. Was thinking of a lean bulk or cut cycle.

Cycle 1: run test-e or cyp for 12 weeks at 600mg a week with 600mg of eq. But my understanding is eq can give you the hunger like no other. So hesitatant. Also i am sitting on 1125mgs of phentermine to help cravings.

Cycle 2: run test-e or cyp for 8 weeks at 600mgs. Then run either a tren a/mast/test mix of 350mgs a week for 6 weeks or just six weeks of test-e and mast-e at 600mgs.

Cycle 3: run test-e and mast-e for 12 weeks at 600mg each.

Also open to some other suggestions. Not trying to run tren if i can hit goals without it. Rather save that for later as a goal hitter when other things dont work as well. Thanks in advance.
Roger that.. I am not opposed to an oral. Current stats are: 33y male, 5'10" 212lbs at 15% bf last caliber about 2 weeks ago. Previous cycles had no bloods available as the military owned my ass and was based overseas often. Gains were 15-20 lbs each run with 10-15 kept post pct. but hard to track for sure with military life and pt always affecting lifting regularity.
I like dbol.. lol if I were you I would add a oral. If your looking to cut maybe var. I've never ran it so I can tell you any experiences. You've had some good gains from test alone so adding a oral would be great.
Yeah I had a great source and my buddy I went to college with is a bodybuilder. Learned a lot from him in regards to putting on good gains on cycle. And thanks for the responses.