Nipple issue w nandralone


Well-known Member
Ran npp @ 100mg eod no issues
Ran tren up to a gram no issues
Ran tren w npp 300mg each no issues
Running 400ish deca and by chance messed w my nips and left one had a tiny bit of fluid right one a tiny bit of brown fluid. Research shows common on deca due to prolactin issues. No dick issues at all though. Waited 24 hours and squeezed them and the smallest amount you can think came out. Barely anything at all. Adding in some b6 and seeing how things go.

Wondering if its anything to actually worry about. Pretty sure its nothing to do w gyno as thats estrogen related. No puffy nipples. No sensitivity. No moodiness. Nothing. Just a tiny bit of fluid i have to squeeze hard to get. Id estimate maybe a pen head amount after 10 days or so. Never checked this when running other shit. Just seeing what you guys out there have experienced. Thanks.
It’s prolactin.

Do you have caber?

Stop squeezing them.
Id only use something as harsh as caber if it were bad and or having dick issues. Squeezing them to see how effective the b6 is. I have tiny nipples lol. Less than dimes in size.
The brown is actually bloos and fluid combined, in the duct. You squeezed them hard as shit right?