My First Cycle results TEST+TREN+ANAVAR+ANADROL +20KG

Hey guys How is going ? updating here the results of the show tysm for evryone who helped me and who texted me here was a really nice moment of my life and i loved it and compete again and again but we need open a off season

The results
We win the overall
we won the newcomers the overall, the category and the best of the night this was completely outside of my expectations I was confident but I didn't imagine I would be able to "clear" everything I participated in it was incredible to be on stage and I really want to continue with this I hope I can stay in the bodybuilding for longer

After a good offseason the next one will be a pro qualifier no doubt

Tysm for everyone who helped here
@trtbuilder @BigTomJ @ILikeExperiments @Mac11wildcat @DECLAN @Jsdaking1 @Eddie. @Goingstronger

And sorry if i miss someone was too much people helping me here i will post also my first meal after the prep LMAO was a good one i swear
2 chicago pizzas and a 1 L milk shake oreo

i will post some updates about my physique here during the offseason too so hope this thread still alive tysm for everyone again Take care Team!

You're welcome ;)