Nipples Leaking Fluid


On 200 test c a week and 400 npp for 6 weeks now. I love the way I feel mentally and physically on low test higher npp.

However, the past week my nipples have been sore. Kinda brushed it off. Today they were pretty inflamed and I squeezed them and clear liquid came out. I was in shock and thought I was seeing things.

Been squeezing them a lot today because it is crazy to see them secrete a fluid, lowkey satisfying like popping a pimple lol.

Anyway I would like to avoid growing tits or producing milk. Is this most likely a high prolactin issue? E2 was in 20s last time I pulled bloods a few weeks ago.

I am on an ssri which is also known to raise prolactin levels not sure how much this contributes.
Nobody can answer you for sure but high prolactin is most likely. Run blood work as soon as possible and stop squeezing them.
Based on blood work take caber and if e2 is high ai.