no more pct shop. no more hcg. pct time


New Member
Hey guys i m at the end of my cycle and I'm pinning 200mg test prop EOD. I was running hcg as well and was going to order more from pct shop but they are out. I've run this cycle long enough. I have one more vial of prop but I don't want to run it without hcg. I think I'm going to start my pct. My last pin was Friday night. Can I start nolva/clomid Monday morning and get this going? I'm thinking 100/100/50/50 clomid. And 40/40/20/20 nolva. Is that dosing OK and should I take the whole dose at once each day or split for morning and night?
next time try and make sure you have a ample supply of everything you need for your entire cycle...then you wont have to worry about this happening ...

I order my entire cycle all in one shot so I have my ducks in a row...
next time try and make sure you have a ample supply of everything you need for your entire cycle...then you wont have to worry about this happening ...

I order my entire cycle all in one shot so I have my ducks in a row...
I did have enough but lightning fast anabolics kept sending me free vials. So it had potential to run longer. Some people are telling me to wait longer on the pct from the test prop. Can someone confirm this? I was told 3 days after last pin