No Sperm


New Member
Gentlemen I have been using test e on and off for about 13 years now and i am 45years old .I never used PCT therapy . My sperm production was fine 3 years ago, due to the fact of two pregnancies. I am married now and trying to have a child.I had my sperm checked at fertility clinic 1 month ago and it came out little to none. Need to get them working and producing sperm. I stopped the test e 3 weeks ago and would like to know?
When should I start pct therapy, Should I be completely clean of all juice?
Which should I use first! Clomid or Hcg or both
I s HMG my final resort if all fails!
How long should i be on it.
I would rather try and fix this myself before i enlist the help of the fertility clinic. But i will use them for blood work.
Thank you very much. This forum has helped me for years.
Personally, I would probably just go to the clinic if you want to reduce guess work.

That aside- How much Test do you use weekly? Is it doctor prescribed? Any other compounds right now (if so stop them)?

If you are actively trying right now than I would jump on some HCG, while on your TRT dose, 1000iu per week (split into 2 shots) for the next month. You can use a higher HCG dose if you like but 1000iu would be a good place to start.

If that doesn't improve things after a couple months than I would throw 50mg clomid per day into the mix.

There is no written in stone solution when it comes to fertility stuff so you may have to tinker a bit, and of course monitor progress.

Again, if you don't like the idea of possibly taking extra time to get going than ask a professional for help sooner than later.

Best of luck and let us know how things go.
Thank you for the reply Dimentio.
I use 350 mgs weekly for 16 weeks and then cycle off for a month.
It is not prescribed
I am using nothing else.
The reason I want to try myself right now is save money. My insurance is garbage and they wont work with me till i do a ton of tests which will total over 5 k. In December I am getting new insurance which will cover more and then I can work with them. I figure that if they are going to prescribe what you suggest, why not get a head start.
Does being off the juice increase my chances of sperm production?
Thank you for the reply Dimentio.
I use 350 mgs weekly for 16 weeks and then cycle off for a month.
It is not prescribed
I am using nothing else.
The reason I want to try myself right now is save money. My insurance is garbage and they wont work with me till i do a ton of tests which will total over 5 k. In December I am getting new insurance which will cover more and then I can work with them. I figure that if they are going to prescribe what you suggest, why not get a head start.
Does being off the juice increase my chances of sperm production?
That's understandable, I wouldn't want to have to drop that kind of $$ either.

Some guys have luck conceiving while on test using the HCG but that's typically on their TRT dose. If you come completely off the test will you feel like crap? If so, try the HCG while on.
If you want to get away from the test (increase your chances) than I'd drop it now and jump on the 50mg clomid daily and begin the HCG at 500iu 2x a week. Go up to 500iu every other day, if you want, eventually.
At the end of the day there's no guarantee with this stuff. I'd recommend checking on some TRT boards for extra information as well.
Personally, I would probably just go to the clinic if you want to reduce guess work.

For the life of me I don't know why anyone would even consider another option, since the initial evaluation, testing, re-testing and follow up studies alone mandate a specific medical standard that is simply not available on a PED forum.

I would strongly discourage ANY self prescribed TREATMENT at this juncture as such measures could markedly alter your diagnostic evaluation with a specialist!

Do not even consider self TREATMENT until baseline studies have been completed!

I mean heck a sperm count would probably be a good idea before "treatment" for "infertility" was instituted don't ya think :)

Good luck
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Wait youre only THREE weeks out from using T-e for a prolonged period and expect what full recovery of LH and more importantly FSH. Hello, what do you think your sperm count will be normal !

Conceiving while CYCLING AAS, that would be quite unusual depending upon the dose and the AAS potency.

Stop the TT and begin PCT at 4-6 weeks after the last T-e pin. Bc effective PCT means a restoration of BOTH FSH and LH, a return of one's baseline sperm count should also be expected. Fact is it's often much more difficult to reach one pre-cycle androgen baseline than it is a functional sperm count IME.
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Dr JIM thank you very much for your reply. I agree with you that self prescription is not the proper protocol but I can not afford the testing, evaluations, and follow ups. Since money is a factor I have to focus on putting it towards the pct drugs themselves. The kicker in all this is that just 3 years ago i impregnated on two different occasions while on heavy cycles of Test e.
I will stop the TT as you suggest and begin the pct therapy. I know that every individual case is unique and that I have no blood tests to comply too , but could you suggest a general pct therapy with dosages and durations. Also should I use clomid and HCG together or separate for sperm production? Any general guide lines would assist me tremendously. Thank you very much.
Dr JIM thank you very much for your reply. I agree with you that self prescription is not the proper protocol but I can not afford the testing, evaluations, and follow ups. Since money is a factor I have to focus on putting it towards the pct drugs themselves. The kicker in all this is that just 3 years ago i impregnated on two different occasions while on heavy cycles of Test e.
I will stop the TT as you suggest and begin the pct therapy. I know that every individual case is unique and that I have no blood tests to comply too , but could you suggest a general pct therapy with dosages and durations. Also should I use clomid and HCG together or separate for sperm production? Any general guide lines would assist me tremendously. Thank you very much.

It's really hard for anyone including Jim to tell you the correct dosage! But the "standard" is 50mg of Clomid and/or 20mg of Nolva for 4-6 weeks. Some will even blast 5,000iu of HCG for 2-4 weeks before starting PCT.. Again, each person is different and without any pre-blood work.. It's going to take time to find the right dosage.. good luck