Nolva/ clomid HCG?


New Member
curently running Dbol 25mg kickstart 4 weeks and test E 500 a week. 12 week cycle.

Also dbol last 2 weeks 50mg on and 2 weeks off before starting pct Nolva clomid.

Question is Nolva and clomid enough? Is HCG really necessary cycle like this.

*been running anastrozle .5mg eod.
Clomid/Nolva is fine.

Begin you hCG now. Its a good idea to use it on ANY cycle that shuts you down - which is every cycle that im aware of.

No need for Dbol at the end if you used it up front.
5000iu enough?
I need to a bit more research and gonna drop the dbol. Getting a little achy left side(kidneys possibly or back pump idk)
I'm confused. So after 10 weeks begin 250iu per week? I'm on week 11 now. This or next week will be last. (12 week max)
I'm confused. So after 10 weeks begin 250iu per week? I'm on week 11 now. This or next week will be last. (12 week max)
No, you count backwards from the start date of your PCT. You should start HCG immediately (today), probably at 500IU twice or thrice weekly, assuming you will be starting PCT at the beginning of week 14. Stop HCG a day or two before initiation of PCT.

Ideally you would have started HCG much earlier in your cycle to prevent testicular atrophy, as NN stated above. Now you need to make up for lost time, and hit with higher doses but for a shorter duration.

Don't let E2 get out of hand by stopping AIs while on high dose HCG (during the time period between last injection and start of PCT). A very modest dose of AIs should suffice in the interim.