Nophat Test E raw homebrew 225mg/ml labmax 12/01/2014 - Bigmesc

I want to say that @nophat is making me whole and handling the issue in a mature way.
Shit happens like I say life is Messy but how a man handles the bumps says a lot.
I agree. Nophat is doing what he can to fix this. He told me he would get back to me in a couple days. I understand shit happens and it's not fun for anyone. That said, test everything from everyone. Ill akways test movinf forward. Will save you money in the long run.
Things happen all the time that cannot be controlled, from sources to trusted members and friends you known all your life...shit happens...The important part is how the issues are handled...
Dam you guys are making my eyes water.
Their is better to come.
I tell you guys all the time I'm a man of my word. That is my bond!
The auction will come I need to get people taken care of first.
Patiently waiting.
Thanks; Nophat
When We entertain people's bull shit.
We already lost the battle
And give them control over us
I will never leave a fallen soldier
so did you re brew them to make 250 mg/ml based on information that there are 65%.

so like you added twice the powder to the oil ?

this is the nice blue - greenish glow of a good test enan.

No I washed the raws and reclaimed 65% of original weight see the shady shady biz thread.
I should of mentioned I did brew with an intend of 300mg/ml

I'm going to take a wild guess that you did not brew with GSO.
For consistency if did use GSO but I now use MCT in everything, love it.
Honesly, I would not trust MCT labmax. I brewed this same.raws at 250mg, which at 65% is really 162mg. It looked just like yours.
No I washed the raws and reclaimed 65% of original weight see the shady shady biz thread.
I should of mentioned I did brew with an intend of 300mg/ml

this is really nice glow I see this here only second time they only one before was from mike strong or maybe more.

this is how good test enan should look like. All the rest before looked like raw sewage some yellow shit with some blue etc.