Nor-19, Nandrolone, (Npp) Metabolites and PCT


New Member
Hey everyone,
first post here
  • not a first/second cycle
  • workout and nutrition , sleeping is on point
  • blood work usually pre,during,post cycle.
  • doing a lot of research and reading before a cycle.
i have decided to touch Nor-19 derivatives for the first time.
my next cycle will probably be ( depend on the comments and conclusions/Risks ) :
Test E + Npp + EQ

* i know how to dosage properly
* ratios between each compound
* avoiding side effects and harm reduction

Im researching this subject for almost 5 days and im so confused.
and i cant get a definite answer or see a scientific data on that matter.

From reading here , re-search on the internet and other locations and hand books i have come across with the claim that Nandrolone Metabolites can stay in your body and still suppress you for over 18 Months.
therefore, PCT will be useless and you should BnC.

but, the half life of npp is 2-3 days, and after 5.5-6 half lifes the gear should be out of the body.
i know whats matter is the metabolites and not the parent hormone so the nandrolone is not the issue but the half lifes of the others.
but i couldn't find any information about the 19-norandrosterone half life.

My Question are:
  1. Can you relate to the quote from your self experience?
  2. does anyone took NPP ( Or deca) and was able to successfully recover with a PCT? please explain the protocol you used for.

i have watched Derek videos regards Npp and Deca, Nandrolone and why people dont pct properly....
also watched Anabolic Doc.
read the threads where peter bond replied.

Attached :
  1. Long term perturbation of endocrine parameters and cholesterol metabolism after discontinued abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids - PubMed
  2. Significance of 19‐norandrosterone in athletes' urine samples
  3. 19-NOR metabolites suppressive for over a year PCT is pointless?
  4. Do Nandrolone metabolites have a large impact on natural recovery?
Thank you for answering.
( will post another post for a cycle review and pct)
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Some interesting information.
Many just leave it all and recover spontaneously.
Savvy folk use the cushion every step of the way.
Use it or lose it.
Some interesting information.
Many just leave it all and recover spontaneously.
Savvy folk use the cushion every step of the way.
Use it or lose it.
sorry, but i couldn't understand you all the way,
what are the caution every step on the way?
and what do you mean by use it or lose it?
The answer is simple. Reddit is wrong
