not fully recovered?


New Member
Hey guys and gals
33 yr old Male
214 lbs 15% bf

It's been 6 months since my last 8 wk cycle of 400 test 500 tren 500 mast. Prior to I have done 2 pro hormone cycles and pct, and 2 AAS cycles, the first two test cyp. My test serum was around 560 prior to starting my last 8 wk cycle of test p Tren a and mast p. During I used prami for prolactin and aromasin as Ai and 250 iu hcg 2x per week stopping 4 days before pct. for pct I ran clomid 100/100/50/50/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20/20/20. Although feeling is not the gauge to recovery I did feel great and it's been 4.5 months since.

Assuming everything was fine, I went and got a female panel prior to this cycle to get some baselines. Fasted, the whole deal went at 9:00 am to have blood drawn.
Here's the issue, not suspecting anything would be out of the ordinary I started on 50/50/50 test p Tren a mast p at 1ml daily to start have each seperate to run Tren higher then test 2 weeks in. So just now, a week into it I get an email with my results. Here's the problem:

AST 48 high
ALT 67 high

Test Serum 182 (very low)
LH 5.9 decent
FSH 6.0 mid range

Looks like besides my liver enzymes being elevated which I can get back into check, the thing that concerns me greatly is the test level. That's below the low end of the reference values.
What would one do who is in this situation now a week in. Comments greatly appreciated
Well first of all, were your serms pharm grade? If not they might have been bunk.
If that is the case i would purchase pharm grade clomid , nolve and hcg and run Doc scallys power pct. I cant tell you the protocol off the top of my head , but you can find it using the search engine.
Of couse if trt doesn't bother you then i would continue the cycle and then try the pct and if you recover great!!! If not , well trt it is.
Good luck brother!!!!
Why no try 100mcg of triptorelin?
You Emboss hormone levels at the top and then tending to stabilize .. I hear that sometimes after a month begin to fall again then you can integrate with zma and stimulators of testosterone to keep them stable
Why no try 100mcg of triptorelin?
You Emboss hormone levels at the top and then tending to stabilize .. I hear that sometimes after a month begin to fall again then you can integrate with zma and stimulators of testosterone to keep them stable

I'm very curious on trying this peptide Triptorelin. Read good things on it but hear mixed reviews. Apparently single shot is all that's needed.

To xformula137, I would suggest running some Nolva and Clomid again for 4 weeks, stack with a natural test booster like d-aspartic acid. I don't think you need HCG as your bodys producing test on its own just a lower than comfortable level. Just my 2 cents. Hopefully someone whose more knowledgeable when shine in on your question. Dr.Scally pct is getting good reviews, something for you to look into as well.
It is not that there are conflicting opinions ... These are because often you do not buy pharmacy products .. The product told by some of my friends works bodybuilder and I think is the best hormonal reboot .. Clearly the body needs more time to d recover but meanwhile you're giving an awakening to HTPA and perhaps with good integration keep a good hormonal level