Nutpuncher's Log: Searching for fountain of youth


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This is my first log. I will show my experience with my 1st HGH cycle along with whatever else AAS I am taking.

Welcome and thank you for visiting....I hope you stay awhile. I welcome all input.

I am in my early 40's. I've been on TRT since Nov 2015. I just finished my first mini blast/AAS cycle. I used to lift and play hours of basketball daily, but I traded that lifestyle for prescription opiates and eventually added benzos and Adderall. 10ish years later I went to inpatient rehab because my wife threatened to leave with our newborn son. It took about 5ish years later for me to feel "normal" (whatever "normal" means). I have not relapsed on the drugs that I was addicted to. I occasionally drink alcohol (couple times a month if that). I still consume marijuana. Usually 1 or 2 tokes at night before diner and consume edibles on special occasions.

I started lifting again April 2015. I wasn't seeing much results and happened to stumble on a forum that talked about TRT. I never thought my symptoms were due to low t even though my symptoms were identical to low t. I just thought it was due to getting older but mainly due to my previous drug use. My first 2 blood work showed my TT as 145 & 197. No brainier to start TRT even though I was nervous about pinning the rest of my life and the responsibilities that comes with it. TRT was one of the best decisions that I've made. It literally saved my life, my marriage and allows me to play and keep up with my 5yr son without having to take breaks, naps or consuming 1 bronkaid + 1 caffine tab.

So now I am looking to bring back time a bit by trying HGH. I recently placed my order with TP (400iu MEDITROPE aka Black Tops). I must thank a few members for assisting me (I won't name you, but you should know who I am referring to).

Blood work tomorrow (Lipid panel, IGF-1 and Hemoglobin A1c) for baseline comparison. My TRT doc advised those particular blood work. I'll post results when I have them and will do bloodwork again probably 2-3 months after starting HGH or whenever its recommended.

I am currently taking the following:
Test Isocaproate 120mg a week (TRT dose)
NPP 150mg a week
HCG 600iu a week
Adex 1mg a week

I am the middle of brewing Component T-H. I plan on adding it within a month, but most likely sooner because I can not wait.

Once my HGH arrives, I plan on starting low (.5iu) and slowly move up to 2iu. Once I reach 2iu, I am considering 5 on and 2 off, but I've been told to keep at 2iu daily to get most benefit. According to TP, his Meditropes are supposed to be overdosed by 5iu per vial. I am not sure if I will take that into consideration and dose accordingly or just dose as if they are not overdosed. Whats your thoughts?

I will update this thread with tidbits of my life and some workouts. I don't plan on updating with every workout. Please feel free to ask questions, provide feedback (good or bad) and provide suggestions. I am hoping my thread will help someone else in similar situation.

This is my first log. I will show my experience with my 1st HGH cycle along with whatever else AAS I am taking.

Welcome and thank you for visiting....I hope you stay awhile. I welcome all input.

I am in my early 40's. I've been on TRT since Nov 2015. I just finished my first mini blast/AAS cycle. I used to lift and play hours of basketball daily, but I traded that lifestyle for prescription opiates and eventually added benzos and Adderall. 10ish years later I went to inpatient rehab because my wife threatened to leave with our newborn son. It took about 5ish years later for me to feel "normal" (whatever "normal" means). I have not relapsed on the drugs that I was addicted to. I occasionally drink alcohol (couple times a month if that). I still consume marijuana. Usually 1 or 2 tokes at night before diner and consume edibles on special occasions.

I started lifting again April 2015. I wasn't seeing much results and happened to stumble on a forum that talked about TRT. I never thought my symptoms were due to low t even though my symptoms were identical to low t. I just thought it was due to getting older but mainly due to my previous drug use. My first 2 blood work showed my TT as 145 & 197. No brainier to start TRT even though I was nervous about pinning the rest of my life and the responsibilities that comes with it. TRT was one of the best decisions that I've made. It literally saved my life, my marriage and allows me to play and keep up with my 5yr son without having to take breaks, naps or consuming 1 bronkaid + 1 caffine tab.

So now I am looking to bring back time a bit by trying HGH. I recently placed my order with TP (400iu MEDITROPE aka Black Tops). I must thank a few members for assisting me (I won't name you, but you should know who I am referring to).

Blood work tomorrow (Lipid panel, IGF-1 and Hemoglobin A1c) for baseline comparison. My TRT doc advised those particular blood work. I'll post results when I have them and will do bloodwork again probably 2-3 months after starting HGH or whenever its recommended.

I am currently taking the following:
Test Isocaproate 120mg a week (TRT dose)
NPP 150mg a week
HCG 600iu a week
Adex 1mg a week

I am the middle of brewing Component T-H. I plan on adding it within a month, but most likely sooner because I can not wait.

Once my HGH arrives, I plan on starting low (.5iu) and slowly move up to 2iu. Once I reach 2iu, I am considering 5 on and 2 off, but I've been told to keep at 2iu daily to get most benefit. According to TP, his Meditropes are supposed to be overdosed by 5iu per vial. I am not sure if I will take that into consideration and dose accordingly or just dose as if they are not overdosed. Whats your thoughts?

I will update this thread with tidbits of my life and some workouts. I don't plan on updating with every workout. Please feel free to ask questions, provide feedback (good or bad) and provide suggestions. I am hoping my thread will help someone else in similar situation.

Congrats on kicking opiates!

Is there a reason you are running npp instead of deca? The longer nandrolone ester will offer more stable levels....

The 5iu overdose thing is bullshit. I am not going to engage in a pharm vs generic debate as others surely will, but I have never seen igf testing that alluded to anything over a 1:1 ratio and sometimes less. I know I suffer worse sides with the rips I used to run (mostly water retention and neuropathy/cts) that are not as bad with generics but they are significantly cheaper so whatever. What I will contend is that if finances allow 4 iu ed is far better than 2 iu. 2 iu is basically a replacement dose.

The best results I have seen on hgh is a full day dose before bed 2 hours from your last carb. Good luck.
Congrats on kicking opiates!

Is there a reason you are running npp instead of deca? The longer nandrolone ester will offer more stable levels....

The 5iu overdose thing is bullshit. I am not going to engage in a pharm vs generic debate as others surely will, but I have never seen igf testing that alluded to anything over a 1:1 ratio and sometimes less. I know I suffer worse sides with the rips I used to run (mostly water retention and neuropathy/cts) that are not as bad with generics but they are significantly cheaper so whatever. What I will contend is that if finances allow 4 iu ed is far better than 2 iu. 2 iu is basically a replacement dose.

The best results I have seen on hgh is a full day dose before bed 2 hours from your last carb. Good luck.

Thank you. Kicking opiates wasn't easy. I've tried to quit more times than I can count.

NPP just because I have an open vial left. I do have some DECA that I plan on adding at low dose.

5iu overdose is BS is what I am afraid of. Using my AAS logic (which I learned here), I'd say that is a marketing ploy that gets regurgitated by TP's customer....but gosh I want to believe that its overdosed lol. As of now, all I have is 400iu coming. Do you think 4iu 5days on / 2 days off is better than 2iu daily for anti-aging benefits? I understand that low dose will not generate new muscles cells. I've read that 2iu is slightly more than replacement dose for someone my age. I know my drug use especially opiates is the primary reason why my TT was so girly low. I wonder if that also reduced my natural gh. I guess I'll know soon once I get results back.
This is my first log. I will show my experience with my 1st HGH cycle along with whatever else AAS I am taking.

Welcome and thank you for visiting....I hope you stay awhile. I welcome all input.

I am in my early 40's. I've been on TRT since Nov 2015. I just finished my first mini blast/AAS cycle. I used to lift and play hours of basketball daily, but I traded that lifestyle for prescription opiates and eventually added benzos and Adderall. 10ish years later I went to inpatient rehab because my wife threatened to leave with our newborn son. It took about 5ish years later for me to feel "normal" (whatever "normal" means). I have not relapsed on the drugs that I was addicted to. I occasionally drink alcohol (couple times a month if that). I still consume marijuana. Usually 1 or 2 tokes at night before diner and consume edibles on special occasions.

I started lifting again April 2015. I wasn't seeing much results and happened to stumble on a forum that talked about TRT. I never thought my symptoms were due to low t even though my symptoms were identical to low t. I just thought it was due to getting older but mainly due to my previous drug use. My first 2 blood work showed my TT as 145 & 197. No brainier to start TRT even though I was nervous about pinning the rest of my life and the responsibilities that comes with it. TRT was one of the best decisions that I've made. It literally saved my life, my marriage and allows me to play and keep up with my 5yr son without having to take breaks, naps or consuming 1 bronkaid + 1 caffine tab.

So now I am looking to bring back time a bit by trying HGH. I recently placed my order with TP (400iu MEDITROPE aka Black Tops). I must thank a few members for assisting me (I won't name you, but you should know who I am referring to).

Blood work tomorrow (Lipid panel, IGF-1 and Hemoglobin A1c) for baseline comparison. My TRT doc advised those particular blood work. I'll post results when I have them and will do bloodwork again probably 2-3 months after starting HGH or whenever its recommended.

I am currently taking the following:
Test Isocaproate 120mg a week (TRT dose)
NPP 150mg a week
HCG 600iu a week
Adex 1mg a week

I am the middle of brewing Component T-H. I plan on adding it within a month, but most likely sooner because I can not wait.

Once my HGH arrives, I plan on starting low (.5iu) and slowly move up to 2iu. Once I reach 2iu, I am considering 5 on and 2 off, but I've been told to keep at 2iu daily to get most benefit. According to TP, his Meditropes are supposed to be overdosed by 5iu per vial. I am not sure if I will take that into consideration and dose accordingly or just dose as if they are not overdosed. Whats your thoughts?

I will update this thread with tidbits of my life and some workouts. I don't plan on updating with every workout. Please feel free to ask questions, provide feedback (good or bad) and provide suggestions. I am hoping my thread will help someone else in similar situation.


Start from 1IU and then 2 weeks later increase 2IU. No need to start 0.5 and ramp up that slowly, you need to go slow when you go over 2IU etc. At least that was for me, When i started increasing after 2IU then I had to ramp up slowly to avoid massive water retention and CTS. but more on 4IU or over.

Good luck on your run :)
Following as well. This kind of pertains, but not a ton. After 2 years of Test cycles got off just under a month ago, did a full PCT, and have been sick three times since. I lift 4 days a week and try to go to BJJ at least 3 times, so maybe my body just can't keep up with the beating without the T, but it sucks. Immune system hit this skids.
Following as well. This kind of pertains, but not a ton. After 2 years of Test cycles got off just under a month ago, did a full PCT, and have been sick three times since. I lift 4 days a week and try to go to BJJ at least 3 times, so maybe my body just can't keep up with the beating without the T, but it sucks. Immune system hit this skids.

TRT is for life...... Unless for whatever reasons you can't be on.

Coffee filter step done. Whatman syringe filter next step. The gunk near top is when I squeezed coffee filter to get every last drop.

45 mins and great thumb pump......My ghetto ass brew....I call it Southside CompTren.

The 3 vials to the right are stronger than the first vial. I did mark the bottom of that vial so I know it'll be weaker. The reason is because I used 2 whatmans .2 filters and didn't purge it with 2ml MCT Oil until last vial. When I use

Thank you for your help.
@rutman @OdieM @Oregongearhead @ebkallday @Seven Dog @Jeep187 @Sabian

I hope I didn't miss anybody else's that helped.
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45 mins and great thumb pump......My ghetto ass brew....I call it Southside CompTren.

The 3 vials to the right are stronger than the first vial. I did mark the bottom of that vial so I know it'll be weaker. The reason is because I used 2 whatmans .2 filters and didn't purge it with 2ml MCT Oil until last vial. When I use
View attachment 38013

Thank you for your help.
@rutman @OdieM @Oregongearhead @ebkallday @Seven Dog @Jeep187 @Sabian

I hope I didn't miss anybody else's that helped.
Beautiful. That is some clear ass pellet tren. MCT oil? That shit wont feel ghetto once it kicks in my friend. "Straight Outta Comp-Tren, a crazy mother fucker named Nutpuncher!" lol
What's your training split going to look like?

As of now, I've been rotating between legs, push, deadlifts and pull days. I workout twice a day. 1st workout is weights only. 2nd is accessories, cardio and abs. I am lucky that there is a decent gym at my work. Nothing fancy, but has everything needed.

During my 1st workout, I don't do a lot of different lifts. I try to move up 5lbs each week on the lifts that I show lbs below. I use same weight for all working sets.

push day:
Incline bench 5 sets 10 reps (175lb)
Slight incline bench 5 sets 10 reps (185lb).
(superset each bench with flys)
Cable flys 10 sets 15 reps of low and normal
Dumbbell military press 5 sets 15 reps (50lb)

Pull day:
Neutral grip lay pull down 5 sets 10 reps (160lb)
Wide grip overhand lay pull down 5 sets 10 reps. (160lb)
(Superset each pull down with cable rows)
Cable Rows 5 sets 10 reps / Pec Dec 5 sets 10 reps
EZ bar Bentover Rows Underhand grip 5 sets 10 reps (175lb)
(Superset with Bentover rows with cable straight arm pd)
Cable straight arm pull down 5 sets 15 reps

Leg day:
Squat 10 sets 10 reps (245lbs)
Leg extension machine 5 sets 15 reps
(Superset with calve raise)
Calf raise machine 5 sets 20 reps

Deadlift day:
Regular DL 5 sets 5 reps (315lb)
RDL 5 sets 5 reps (275lb)
Rack Pulls 5 sets 5 reps (275lb)

Variety of different Curls and bicep machine
Tricep cable pull down, kick backs, narrow dips, tricep machine
Variety of Side and front lateral raises
Reverse dumbbell flys
Reverse pec dec
Cable rope horizontal Face pulls
Cable rope vertical face pull

Abs (E2D):
Leg left superset decline crunches 5 sets 20 reps each
Ab roller 5 sets 10 reps

Cardio daily:
30mins on recumbent bike

That's it. Not a great plan. I am open and ask for feedback. My goal is to look fucking great.

Height: 5'7"
Pre TRT: 150lb / est 20% BF
Today: 165.3lb / est 13% BF
Current Goal: 175lb / sub 10% BF
It's nice to see another 5'7" lifter in here. Wait till you hit 200 plus brother, shit gets real interesting. The way you walk, wipe your ass, comb your hair and wear your cloths.... Lol.. Split looks good. Monster up!!

I can't imagine 200lbs nor do I want that (yet) lol.