Off Season

This may sound silly, but in the world of body building, I see mention of an Off Season. What exactly is that? Is it a time where they come off of gear, or is it a time where they stop lifting or both.
I assume it means your cruse phase. This is the time you move to TRT and maintain the muscle you have built. So no, you don't totally come off gear and you do not stop lifting (just adjust the volume)

Usually, a body builder has 4 "phases" to his/her year. Example: Bulking (16 weeks), Cutting (16 weeks), Rebound (8 weeks), and Cruise (12 weeks).
I assume it means your cruse phase. This is the time you move to TRT and maintain the muscle you have built. So no, you don't totally come off gear and you do not stop lifting (just adjust the volume)

Usually, a body builder has 4 "phases" to his/her year. Example: Bulking (16 weeks), Cutting (16 weeks), Rebound (8 weeks), and Cruise (12 weeks).
Great explanation, thank you :)