Oil differences

MCT oil or mig840 are easier to pin not as thick/viscous as GSO. But I heard in a Vigorous Steve vid that mct and mig840 can cause systemic inflammation so GSO may be healthier depending on the solvents used with it.
MCT oil or mig840 are easier to pin not as thick/viscous as GSO. But I heard in a Vigorous Steve vid that mct and mig840 can cause systemic inflammation so GSO may be healthier depending on the solvents used with it.

MCT is as close to hypoallergenic as we've got for gear. The number of people allergic to this highly purified coconut oil is minuscule compared to the other types. GSO is still needed for the few who react to MCT, and others have potentially interesting properties, like castor oil, but I think pharma grade MCT is nearly perfect.
MCT is as close to hypoallergenic as we've got for gear. The number of people allergic to this highly purified coconut oil is minuscule compared to the other types. GSO is still needed for the few who react to MCT, and others have potentially interesting properties, like castor oil, but I think pharma grade MCT is nearly perfect.
Thank you !
Nope. Castor and cottonseed are the most hypoallergenic. MCT is in the middle with tea tree oil and then you have gso and sesame

I could be wrong on this. So please correct me if I am.

I thought most people with nut allergies, which is fairly common, have a crossover reaction to castor, while coconut, despite nut in the name, does not cause a reaction and you have to be specifically allergic to it, which is fairly rare.

update; According to this, it's even worse with castor, crossing over to tobacco, shrimp, and house dust allergies. Perhaps the allergen is purified out of pharma grade castor oil?

I haven’t been on here in 4 or 5 years it’s been a while since I played with any gear and I was never an expert to begin with. There’s always a fucktard that’s been juicing for 6 months and now think your a somebody stfu if you can’t answer my question
Entitled and Lazy… good luck
Never noticed a difference between the different oils i have used/brewed with. Other the then a little difference in viscidity. which didn't really matter to me.
Never noticed a difference between the different oils i have used/brewed with. Other the then a little difference in viscidity. which didn't really matter to me.

All things being equal then, I'll always choose MCT for the thin viscosity and often. water like clarity making for an easy visual check for floaters.
All things being equal then, I'll always choose MCT for the thin viscosity and often. water like clarity making for an easy visual check for floaters.
That is what i have been brewing with for several years My pharma grade use something different.
I could be wrong on this. So please correct me if I am.

I thought most people with nut allergies, which is fairly common, have a crossover reaction to castor, while coconut, despite nut in the name, does not cause a reaction and you have to be specifically allergic to it, which is fairly rare.

update; According to this, it's even worse with castor, crossing over to tobacco, shrimp, and house dust allergies. Perhaps the allergen is purified out of pharma grade castor oil?

The castor oil seeds are indeed allergenic and can trigger adverse reactions. The oil on the other hand, as in Pharmacopoeia standard extract, removes the husk and with that most of the triggers AND most importantly the ricin poison.

The usage of castor oil as a carrier has a few decades under it's belt and has been deemed extremely safe. There will always be the odd few that are truly allergic, but those are few and far between
That is what i have been brewing with for several years My pharma grade use something different.

I'm going to assume the increasingly widespread use wasn't because of a sudden epiphany, just recent easier availability and lowered price of what most consider the best oil.
I'm going to assume the increasingly widespread use wasn't because of a sudden epiphany, just recent easier availability and lowered price of what most consider the best oil.
My epiphany was due to my reading and conclusions. Which may change as i read/learn more. On paper it seems MCT may be better but as i wrote in practical terms my T levels, gains, blood work, health etc. has been the same on all oils. People can take that however they choose as i am not here to tell others what they should do.
The castor oil seeds are indeed allergenic and can trigger adverse reactions. The oil on the other hand, as in Pharmacopoeia standard extract, removes the husk and with that most of the triggers AND most importantly the ricin poison.

The usage of castor oil as a carrier has a few decades under it's belt and has been deemed extremely safe. There will always be the odd few that are truly allergic, but those are few and far between

Ah ok I see, no allergens at all in the filtered oil, even food grade.

Still, it's one of the most viscous, and I don't react to MCT the least viscous, but good to know it's a safe option for most.
