Ok, how retarded am I?

55 but still want to be 265 and 10%. lol.
Started this cycle in Dec. - 230lb (15%?)
All doses per weekly basis.

Week 1-5 – 525mg Test E only. NO AI.
Labs after week 5
TT=3260ng/ml, FT=1200.7pg/ml, E2sens=230pg/ml
First time running Test higher than 125 TRT without additional AAS.
Purposely didn’t run AI to see where it put me.

Week 6-9 – 600mg Test C + 375mg Deca + 2mg Adex
Labs after week 9
TT=3275ng/ml, FT=1242.2pg/ml, E2sens=89pg/ml
2mg Adex dropped my E2 from 230 to 89.

Week 10-11 – 50mg/day Adrol
Ran out of gas, waiting on AAS delivery and testing.

Week 12-15 – 750mg Test C + 375mg Deca + 450mg EQ. No AI.
Labs after week 15
TT=4209ng/ml, FT=1618.5pg/ml, E2sens=38pg/ml
EQ dropped my E2 to 38, lower than when on 125mg Test TRT.

I was pretty happy with the new EQ addition. Never used it before. Felt good and was definitely gaining.
243lb and a little leaner. I have a hard time eating enough and have just never been able to consistently track it. But the EQ definitely seemed to help with appetite.

Unfortunately, I decided to get off the gas due to last weeks labs:

HDL mg/dl
LDL mg/dl
TRIGLY mg/dl
Creatinine mg/dl
EGFR mL/min/1.73m2

Not too worried about the Cholesterol or Liver. I’ve seen those bounce back, but not sure if my kidneys are going to fall out. Maybe I found this site too late.
I have labs scheduled again at the end of March. Should I just go cold turkey until then, add the Cystatin-C test and make sure my affairs are in order?
Look forward to your criticism. Constructive or otherwise.
55 but still want to be 265 and 10%. lol.
Started this cycle in Dec. - 230lb (15%?)
All doses per weekly basis.

Week 1-5 – 525mg Test E only. NO AI.
Labs after week 5
TT=3260ng/ml, FT=1200.7pg/ml, E2sens=230pg/ml
First time running Test higher than 125 TRT without additional AAS.
Purposely didn’t run AI to see where it put me.

Week 6-9 – 600mg Test C + 375mg Deca + 2mg Adex
Labs after week 9
TT=3275ng/ml, FT=1242.2pg/ml, E2sens=89pg/ml
2mg Adex dropped my E2 from 230 to 89.

Week 10-11 – 50mg/day Adrol
Ran out of gas, waiting on AAS delivery and testing.

Week 12-15 – 750mg Test C + 375mg Deca + 450mg EQ. No AI.
Labs after week 15
TT=4209ng/ml, FT=1618.5pg/ml, E2sens=38pg/ml
EQ dropped my E2 to 38, lower than when on 125mg Test TRT.

I was pretty happy with the new EQ addition. Never used it before. Felt good and was definitely gaining.
243lb and a little leaner. I have a hard time eating enough and have just never been able to consistently track it. But the EQ definitely seemed to help with appetite.

Unfortunately, I decided to get off the gas due to last weeks labs:

HDL mg/dl
LDL mg/dl
TRIGLY mg/dl
Creatinine mg/dl
EGFR mL/min/1.73m2

Not too worried about the Cholesterol or Liver. I’ve seen those bounce back, but not sure if my kidneys are going to fall out. Maybe I found this site too late.
I have labs scheduled again at the end of March. Should I just go cold turkey until then, add the Cystatin-C test and make sure my affairs are in order?
Look forward to your criticism. Constructive or otherwise.
i wouldn't go cold turkey , if your concerned enough about it at least drop to trt dose, How long did you plan to cycle?
i wouldn't go cold turkey , if your concerned enough about it at least drop to trt dose, How long did you plan to cycle?
My current TT is over 4k on Test C. Last pin 250mg was Sat. Should I wait a while before pinning the TRT dose (125/wk)?
I was planning to go 20 -24 depending on labs. Actually, this is the first time cycling more than 12 weeks.
I was trying to get to 250lbs.
My current TT is over 4k on Test C. Last pin 250mg was Sat. Should I wait a while before pinning the TRT dose (125/wk)?
I was planning to go 20 -24 depending on labs. Actually, this is the first time cycling more than 12 weeks.
I was trying to get to 250lbs.
being on a cycle of course labs are gonna be elevated, how are you feeling , progressing etc, , you could always stay the course and get labs like you said in a coupla weeks and then assess,
Were you hydrated before getting blood drawn? Should always drink at least 1L before going for bloodwork.
As far as lipids not bad, 5mg rosuvastatin twice a week will put your LDL well within range and hdl of 37 is pretty good for on cycle
What were your previous egfrs? Did you get egfr results on trt and then on any of the previous doses/compounds you were on?

Or are you saying the eq in only 3 weeks tanked your egfr

Also man you're too old for this shit. Not aas but jumping compounds after only 3-5 weeks, not having enough on hand, and then running orals because you didn't have test.
Were you hydrated before getting blood drawn? Should always drink at least 1L before going for bloodwork.
As far as lipids not bad, 5mg rosuvastatin twice a week will put your LDL well within range and hdl of 37 is pretty good for on cycle
Probably wasn't hydrated enough. I have never purposely hydrated before a blood draw, but I will from here on. Appreciate the advice.
imo , getting "hydrated" before a blood draw only skews your results , not giving you a general picture about whats "usually going on" , its best to be hydrated properly as your aware of , thats just how i look at it ,,
Excellent. Never understood the advice to facilitate keeping head in sand on Hct and blood viscosity.
imo , getting "hydrated" before a blood draw only skews your results , not giving you a general picture about whats "usually going on" , its best to be hydrated properly as your aware of , thats just how i look at it ,,
I get what youre saying but Id rather be consistent with hydrating before bloodwork and seeing how things should be looking on a normal day to day basis. Then if the bloodwork is still showing bad results you know for sure its not just from lack of hydration and definitely warrants further investigation
What were your previous egfrs? Did you get egfr results on trt and then on any of the previous doses/compounds you were on?

Or are you saying the eq in only 3 weeks tanked your egfr

Also man you're too old for this shit. Not aas but jumping compounds after only 3-5 weeks, not having enough on hand, and then running orals because you didn't have test.
Previous egfr were 58/59 on cycle.
65/66 on TRT.
I added the deca at week 6 and the EQ at week 12. I thought that was reasonable. But I'm somewhat new to this site and new to trying to do it right.

I've done the test/deca combo several times in the past without issue. Same with the Adrol. EQ was new but no, I don't think that is what dropped my egfr. I'm not sure what dropped it. Maybe running gear for 3months at 55. idk. I'm hoping I was just dehydrated or whatever.

Running out was mid cycle was bad planning. I had raws that I was planning to brew and test before running out of my current stash, but my first batch went sideways and delayed my plans. I ordered more oils from a trusted UG while I was waiting for raws testing to come back from Jano.

Yup, I'm too old for that shit, but still kind of dumb. Trying to do better though. Appreciate your candor.
Previous egfr were 58/59 on cycle.
65/66 on TRT.
I added the deca at week 6 and the EQ at week 12. I thought that was reasonable. But I'm somewhat new to this site and new to trying to do it right.

I've done the test/deca combo several times in the past without issue. Same with the Adrol. EQ was new but no, I don't think that is what dropped my egfr. I'm not sure what dropped it. Maybe running gear for 3months at 55. idk. I'm hoping I was just dehydrated or whatever.

Running out was mid cycle was bad planning. I had raws that I was planning to brew and test before running out of my current stash, but my first batch went sideways and delayed my plans. I ordered more oils from a trusted UG while I was waiting for raws testing to come back from Jano.

Yup, I'm too old for that shit, but still kind of dumb. Trying to do better though. Appreciate your candor.
Looks like your egfr wasnt great beforehand, the cycle just made it worse. Is your blood pressure under control? That's the biggest risk to the kidneys. Not sure what is common for other 55 year olds around here maybe they can chime in but at 40 I'm pushing a 105 egfr on cycle even when pushing 2g of gear.

I would just trt for now and with those numbers pull a cystatin c which is more reliable and I think hydration doesn't matter with that test. In the future if you cycle again probably stay away from anything that raises bp or puts a lot of water on you quickly which then raises bp so maybe no deca or anadrol and keep your e2 in range so you don't hold water.
Looks like your egfr wasnt great beforehand, the cycle just made it worse. Is your blood pressure under control? That's the biggest risk to the kidneys. Not sure what is common for other 55 year olds around here maybe they can chime in but at 40 I'm pushing a 105 egfr on cycle even when pushing 2g of gear.

I would just trt for now and with those numbers pull a cystatin c which is more reliable and I think hydration doesn't matter with that test. In the future if you cycle again probably stay away from anything that raises bp or puts a lot of water on you quickly which then raises bp so maybe no deca or anadrol and keep your e2 in range so you don't hold water.
NO history of BP issues. But, possible kidney damage from who knows when or why. Earliest egfr I could find was 66 in 2019. I had barely just started at a TRT clinic back then. No previous AAS/cycles.
I just started tracking BP and over this last cycle it seemed to average 130/80 at the start and has been around 140/85 last few weeks.
I think 130/80 has been my norm as far as I can remember.
Is that too high?