Old school UGL prices?


is the British dragon that’s selling now the same as it used to be back then British dragon was good but they redid the bottles and everything I never ordered from them since it was different but have u heard anything about what there products are like now
Can't speak for British Dragon, but I've been very happy with Dragon Pharma for years. Oils and orals. Consistently solid and a bargain if you buy it right. Not quite QSC cheap but damn near.
I would home brew if I knew how to
Start reading, it is not rocket science or molecular biology. It’s arithmetic and reading comprehension. You just need to follow specific instructions, hell we synthesized tren from pellets using the late basskilers method which includes the utilization of coffee filter lol.

Nowadays, we have a whole section dedicated to home brewing and a plethora of recipes scattered all over the internet.
2005 on this forum 10 vials of test prop 10ml/100mg per ml, I got for $8 each. Tested them and came back 115mg per ml. Test e 10ml/250mg $25 each
In 2018 I paid 210€ for 100IU of HGH. That kid was faked, even taking 1IU made me fall sleep immediatly on the chair where I administred the HGH. Till this day I have no idea what was inside these vials...
In 2018 I paid 210€ for 100IU of HGH. That kid was faked, even taking 1IU made me fall sleep immediatly on the chair where I administred the HGH. Till this day I have no idea what was inside these vials...
Probably sleeping powder for date rape lol