One cycle, at least for 10 years….500 test, 350 nandrolone deca, and 25mg of Var

So…basically this is going to by my last cycle for 10 years and I wanna go out with a bang. I understand there is a risk of being shut down but my goal is to specifically NOT do that and recover to baseline. I’m Young…not going to specify how young…recovery is not necessarily guaranteed but I’m positive I’ll recover (if not I’ll accept TRT).

This cycle will consist of:
Sustanon 250 dosed at 500mg for the first 12 weeks
Testosterone propionate from weeks 12-16 gradually increasing the dose concurrently with the long ester breakdown of the sust to equal 500mg
Deca at 350mg from weeks 1-13 or 14 (for PCT purposes)
Anavar at 25mg from weeks 10-16.

All I need assistance on is HCG dosing/ timing, I have a lot of nolva on hand and am about to get some clomid to run for a power PCT. The goal of this cycle is to Retain and maintain my gains and expand genetic potential. Deca is very hard to recover from however it’s doable with the right prayers and regimen from what I’ve read. I’m not able to run HCG throughout the cycle as that would be ungodly expensive. So I will have to run at the end.

For reference I’m a manlet 5’8-9 at 180lbs sitting at 11% bf. Hoping to gain 20 and keep 10. Been training for 6 years at this point. I have really good genes for keeping and holding muscle so we shall see.
I am a little confused by a couple things.
“I understand there is a risk of being shutdown but my goal is NOT to do that”

If you do not want to be shutdown why are you planning on nearly a gram of gear including something you say is hard to recover from? With the amount you would be running and time, if I’m not mistaken you definitely will shut down during/after cycle for some period of time.

A study I read showed that with cypionate at 10 weeks there was significant suppression/shutdown in all participants. Same study also showed males all adequately recovered, just depends on how long it took. Two years at most for the participants. They recovered if they had fully formed/properly functioning endocrine systems before use. If you’re too young and don’t have a fully formed endocrine system/or it has got some problem you don’t know about then you might not recover adequately.

I’m not saying this with any judgement, it’s just something to consider since you say you’re young.
I am a little confused by a couple things.
“I understand there is a risk of being shutdown but my goal is NOT to do that”

If you do not want to be shutdown why are you planning on nearly a gram of gear including something you say is hard to recover from? With the amount you would be running and time, if I’m not mistaken you definitely will shut down during/after cycle for some period of time.

A study I read showed that with cypionate at 10 weeks there was significant suppression/shutdown in all participants. Same study also showed males all adequately recovered, just depends on how long it took. Two years at most for the participants. They recovered if they had fully formed/properly functioning endocrine systems before use. If you’re too young and don’t have a fully formed endocrine system/or it has got some problem you don’t know about then you might not recover adequately.

I’m not saying this with any judgement, it’s just something to consider since you say you’re young.
Correct me if I’m wrong… but I’m almost positive that shutdown and suppression are 2 separate things. I’m obviously gonna be HEAVILY suppressed from nearly a gram of gear pretty close to shut down (might even be shut down) The goal is just to come back from super low double to low triple digit test levels back into the normal range again. My previous blood work came at 710ng/dl (healthy functioning endocrine system btw) So a 16 week cycle with a proper pct with HCG use SHOULD bring me back within 6 months of this cycle. I’m just asking for proper help and guidance.
So…basically this is going to by my last cycle for 10 years and I wanna go out with a bang. I understand there is a risk of being shut down but my goal is to specifically NOT do that and recover to baseline. I’m Young…not going to specify how young…recovery is not necessarily guaranteed but I’m positive I’ll recover (if not I’ll accept TRT).

This cycle will consist of:
Sustanon 250 dosed at 500mg for the first 12 weeks
Testosterone propionate from weeks 12-16 gradually increasing the dose concurrently with the long ester breakdown of the sust to equal 500mg
Deca at 350mg from weeks 1-13 or 14 (for PCT purposes)
Anavar at 25mg from weeks 10-16.

All I need assistance on is HCG dosing/ timing, I have a lot of nolva on hand and am about to get some clomid to run for a power PCT. The goal of this cycle is to Retain and maintain my gains and expand genetic potential. Deca is very hard to recover from however it’s doable with the right prayers and regimen from what I’ve read. I’m not able to run HCG throughout the cycle as that would be ungodly expensive. So I will have to run at the end.

For reference I’m a manlet 5’8-9 at 180lbs sitting at 11% bf. Hoping to gain 20 and keep 10. Been training for 6 years at this point. I have really good genes for keeping and holding muscle so we shall see.

Just don't use nandrolones bro. Srsly, stick to test and primo/eq/mast. And add some gh for better recovery. Nandrolones do a lot more to your endocrine system and your testis then test and primo/eq/mast. Since recovery is a concern and you are not a pro, there is really no reason to subject yourself to the "chemical castration" of nandrolones.
So…basically this is going to by my last cycle for 10 years and I wanna go out with a bang. I understand there is a risk of being shut down but my goal is to specifically NOT do that and recover to baseline. I’m Young…not going to specify how young…recovery is not necessarily guaranteed but I’m positive I’ll recover (if not I’ll accept TRT).

This cycle will consist of:
Sustanon 250 dosed at 500mg for the first 12 weeks
Testosterone propionate from weeks 12-16 gradually increasing the dose concurrently with the long ester breakdown of the sust to equal 500mg
Deca at 350mg from weeks 1-13 or 14 (for PCT purposes)
Anavar at 25mg from weeks 10-16.

All I need assistance on is HCG dosing/ timing, I have a lot of nolva on hand and am about to get some clomid to run for a power PCT. The goal of this cycle is to Retain and maintain my gains and expand genetic potential. Deca is very hard to recover from however it’s doable with the right prayers and regimen from what I’ve read. I’m not able to run HCG throughout the cycle as that would be ungodly expensive. So I will have to run at the end.

For reference I’m a manlet 5’8-9 at 180lbs sitting at 11% bf. Hoping to gain 20 and keep 10. Been training for 6 years at this point. I have really good genes for keeping and holding muscle so we shall see.

Did you end up running this cycle? How did it go?

Also I know I'm a bit late but if you think you're gonna run a cycle young, make crazy gains and get that look you wanted, and then just stop for 10 years I have a bridge to sell you.
. The goal of this cycle is to Retain and maintain my gains and expand genetic potential.

PED Myth # 1
Retain gains wo the influence of the drugs responsible …..not gonna happen.

PED Myth # 2
Genetic potential is modifiable rather than fixed as defined by your mother and father.
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