One more thing

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What are you basing this comparative argument on? Certainly your not using a study of a whopping TWENTY patients (between the ages of 55-80) all of whom had reasonably well advanced prostate CA and were treated with radiation and androgen deprivation therapy yet developed impotence and castrate testosterone levels with prolonged recovery, if any, to "precastrate" levels. Why the incidence of impotence approximates 70% in that population. Your using the data from this study to substiantiate your assertion of "androgen deprivation" as the etiology of lowered testosterone levels in TWENTY YEAR OLD who did a couple cycles of AAS. You've got to be joking! Goodness, the "study populations" (20 vs 62 year olds, mean) are completely different as are the expected outcomes. A classic example of "reviewers bias", (AKA utter nonsense) observered all to frequently on most forums!
And what about your more recent results with lowish T levels?

May 29th:

LH *9.7 (1.7-8.6)
T - 27.7 (9.9 - 30.0)

July 23rd:

LH - 12.8
T- 28.1


I never gained a pound of solid muscle. It was all water weight. The picture of that guy in the 'MAIS' wiki article. I'm the exact same build with skinny forearms and no chest or arm hair.

Why is my LH screaming guys?
Dear Dr Conway

Thank you for asking me to see this young man. His main symptom is that of erectile dysfunction and when he can achieve a partial erection cannot maintain it. He also feels very depressed, has no motivation and low energy.He admitted to me today that he has a significant alcohol problem. He does not sleep at night, gets depressed, drinks between 2 and 3 litres of cider a day or several cans of strong brew.

He says that the main cause of his depression is the erectile dysfunction. He said the only time he has been able to maintain an adequate erection is when he had cycles of Testosterone Enanthate 500mg per week. Each cycle lasts for about 12 weeks followed by a period wityh clomid.

I understand that he has seen Professor Wylie at the ED clinic at the Royal Hallamshire hospital.

There is no other past medical historyof note and he is currently on no medication.

On review of his prior blood tests he does have a high normal testosterone level, 26.3, 30.5, 34.4 NMOI/L. I note that the 5-DHT level was elevated at 4.0 nmoi/l (reference range 0.9 - 2.9). His last LH was 10.8 IU/L, FSH 4.2 IU/L. On one occasion his LH was 13 IU/L. Thyroid function tests have been normal.

Although he may have a mild androgen insensitivity fatigue syndrome, his major problem currently is the alcohol abuse. He recognises this and knows that he does neede to try and sort this out before considering any other treatment for his erectile dysfunction.

If he can control his alcohol intake, then in the possibility that he may have a degree of androgen insensitivity, we could consider giving him a trial of testosterone replacement therapy probably with Nebido.

Yours sincerely

High Jones.

What are you basing this comparative argument on? Certainly your not using a study of a whopping TWENTY patients (between the ages of 55-80) all of whom had reasonably well advanced prostate CA and were treated with radiation and androgen deprivation therapy yet developed impotence and castrate testosterone levels with prolonged recovery, if any, to "precastrate" levels. Why the incidence of impotence approximates 70% in that population. Your using the data from this study to substiantiate your assertion of "androgen deprivation" as the etiology of lowered testosterone levels in TWENTY YEAR OLD who did a couple cycles of AAS. You've got to be joking! Goodness, the "study populations" (20 vs 62 year olds, mean) are completely different as are the expected outcomes. A classic example of "reviewers bias", (AKA utter nonsense) observered all to frequently on most forums!

I think you missing the point a bit. The point is about men who had libido prior treatment and after restoring T levels to normal physiological range didn't see return of libido.

...TWENTY YEAR OLD who did a couple cycles of AAS...
He did 9 months of T non-stop for pete's sake! I'm not saying the effect of deprivation followed by 9month AAS in 20y.o. is the same as for 60y.o. cancer patients treated for 2 years, but almost all of these patients became impotent after restoring normal T levels, so where you draw the line?
He says that the main cause of his depression is the erectile dysfunction. He said the only time he has been able to maintain an adequate erection is when he had cycles of Testosterone Enanthate 500mg per week. Each cycle lasts for about 12 weeks followed by a period wityh clomid.
Oh, really? So the only time you've had erections was on this 9 month cycle? Looks like you're telling stories these doctors.
Oh, really? So the only time you've had erections was on this 9 month cycle? Looks like you're telling stories these doctors.

I think I once mentioned that I had trouble maintaining erections? You quoted this yourself. I'm not telling lies. I know my body, you don't.

Now most if not all you guys know that I still have an alcohol problem and sometimes smoke pot. I don't want to fly off the handle. I'm a nice guy but gets pissed off at times.

I won't be reading this thread anymore or posting in it. I have a life to live. I got to sober up and sort myself out before I'm kicked out in the streets without a single penny to my name. Goodbye.
I won't be reading this thread anymore or posting in it. I have a life to live. I got to sober up and sort myself out before I'm kicked out in the streets without a single penny to my name. Goodbye.

Booze is a depressant and it elevates estrogen and causes ED issues.

I am pretty sure if you give up booze alot of your issues will slowly resolve.

I know alot of people have trouble giving up booze, cigarettes, drugs, etc but I cant relate to those people. When I knew i needed to give up the drink, when it became a "must" in my life, I just cold turkey gave it up. It was tough the first year and I had a few relapses where I drank but i havent had a drink in almost two years.

Its your life and your health and hopefully you do what you need to do to survive.
Your comparing apples to oranges by using a study of patients with prostate CA as the reference study to support your absurd deprivation "hypothesis". Many patients with prostate CA have "normal testosterone levels" but DONT have "normal" libido because factors such as: age, prior comprbidities, ASCVD, radiation treatment, chemotherapy, depression etc are major contributors to it's diverse causation. The study you continue to reference was uncontrolled and did not account for these variables. Consequently it applies ONLY to prostate CA patients treated in a similar fashion AT BEST!
I've been practicing medicine over 20 years and someone's feeding you a line of crap and is in desperate need of attention, lol!
His theory, I think, is that he had MAIS all the time, but taking roids lowered his natural T from normally supraphysiological to high normal. How much chances for all that to happen? I'd say near zero.

Listen, just because a little shitty 4 week dbol cycle fucked you up and now you have hypo symptoms with normal T and LH levels. Your endocrine system is 100% normal and you can't face the fact that my LH is screaming for more T whilst yours is in the shitter. There is nothing wrong with your endocrine system. You have lost your libido for life. Get over it.
happydoctor said:
Can anyone drop a line explaining why it's increased both testosterone and LH levels? I was thinking if testosterone level is high, it will feedback inhibit LH level.

eagle99 said:
there are androgen receptars in pitutary too which normally senses high testosteron level and gives negative feedback and drop in LH.
NOw in androgen receptar insensitivity syndrome those receptars also insensitive so they dont respond to high testosteron level rather increase LH ;thinking that there is no testosteron .
hope its clear

Think wtf you want EasyRider. I have MAIS, you don't.
Listen, just because a little shitty 4 week dbol cycle fucked you up and now you have hypo symptoms with normal T and LH levels. Your endocrine system is 100% normal and you can't face the fact that my LH is screaming for more T whilst yours is in the shitter. There is nothing wrong with your endocrine system. You have lost your libido for life. Get over it.
Thank you for free diagnosis over internet, doctor. I see you diagnosed yourself too long before anybody.

So what was the protocol prescribed to you by MD to treat MAIS and when you start it?
Thank you for free diagnosis over internet, doctor. I see you diagnosed yourself too long before anybody.

So what was the protocol prescribed to you by MD to treat MAIS and when you start it?

Nebido, one 1000mg shot every 10 weeks. I keep pushing back the appointment date though because I'm not ready yet.

Even if this doctor refuses to treat me. My plan is too shoot 300mg TE for life. I don't give a shit if it fucks me up. I'm going to monitor my bloodwork every month for a year and see how it goes.

My cousin is a doctor and will be attending my next endo app with me.
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