What are you basing this comparative argument on? Certainly your not using a study of a whopping TWENTY patients (between the ages of 55-80) all of whom had reasonably well advanced prostate CA and were treated with radiation and androgen deprivation therapy yet developed impotence and castrate testosterone levels with prolonged recovery, if any, to "precastrate" levels. Why the incidence of impotence approximates 70% in that population. Your using the data from this study to substiantiate your assertion of "androgen deprivation" as the etiology of lowered testosterone levels in TWENTY YEAR OLD who did a couple cycles of AAS. You've got to be joking! Goodness, the "study populations" (20 vs 62 year olds, mean) are completely different as are the expected outcomes. A classic example of "reviewers bias", (AKA utter nonsense) observered all to frequently on most forums!