Oral suspension recipes

Andrew Androgen

New Member
10+ Year Member
I'm looking for a thread on how to make oral suspensions but can't seem to find one.
Surely this has been covered.
Could someone point me in the right direction please?
I buy the 30ml dropper bottles off of amazon that have the measurements on the bottle and the dropper. Then I put the raw in the bottle followed by 25ml of vegetable glycerin then top it off, about 4ml of water, drop of mio if you want, Shake vigorously, no fuss no muss. I was in your boat thinking there was some special way to do it. Its really just that easy. Some raws dissolve into everclear and you can do it that way but not my preferred method.
Thanks very much!
Is vegetable glycerine naturally sweet?
Can you add flavouring to it?
Does it work just as well for oral suspensions as OraPlus?
Thanks very much!
Is vegetable glycerine naturally sweet?
Can you add flavouring to it?
Does it work just as well for oral suspensions as OraPlus?
Yeah vegetable glycerin tastes like syrup pretty much. Add a drop of mio for flavor if you want. Most raws taste sower/bitter so lemon works well. I dont really add flavor anymore myself.
I buy the 30ml dropper bottles off of amazon that have the measurements on the bottle and the dropper. Then I put the raw in the bottle followed by 25ml of vegetable glycerin then top it off, about 4ml of water, drop of mio if you want, Shake vigorously, no fuss no muss. I was in your boat thinking there was some special way to do it. Its really just that easy. Some raws dissolve into everclear and you can do it that way but not my preferred method.
How much raw do you put in ?
(Instructions below)

Powder: per 1 gram of Oxymetholone
Produces: Highest concentration made – 50mg/ml

1 gram of Oxymetholone powder
1 Beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
8.4ml of PEG 300
10.5ml 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

Powder: per 1 gram of Oxandrolone
Produces: Highest concentration made – 20mg/ml

1 gram of Oxandrolone powder
1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
9.8ml of PEG 300
39.2ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

https://thinksteroids.com/steroid-profiles/arimidex/ (ARIMIDEX)
Powder: per 1 gram of Anastrozole
Produces: Highest concentration made – 5mg/ml

1 gram of Anastrozole powder
1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
19.9ml of PEG 300
179.1ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

CLOMID (Version I)
Powder: per 1 gram of Clomiphene Citrate
Produces: Highest concentration made – 50mg/ml

1 gram of Clomiphene Citrate
1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
7.6ml of Glycerol
11.3ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

CLOMID (Version II)
Powder: per 1 gram of Clomiphene Citrate
Produces: Highest concentration made – 50mg/ml


1 gram of Clomiphene Citrate
1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
8.4ml of PEG 600
10.5ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

Powder: per 1 gram Methandrostenolone
Produces: Highest concentration made – 50mg/ml


1 gram of Methandrostenolone powder
1 beaker suitable for holding he volume of liquids
19ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

Powder: per 1 gram of Letrozole
Produces: Highest concentration made – 5mg/ml


1 gram of Letrozole powder
1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
19.9ml of PEG 300
179.1ml of 190 Grain Proof Alcohol

NOLVADEX (Version I)
Powder: per 1 gram of Tamoxifen Citrate
Produces: Highest concentration made – 20mg/ml


1 gram of Tamoxifen Citrate
1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
19.6ml of Glycerol
29.4ml of 190 Proof Grain Alochol

Powder: per 1 gram of Tamoxifen Citrate
Produces: Highest concentration made – 20mg/ml


1 gram of Tamoxifen Citrate
1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
9.8ml of PEG 600
39.2ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

Powder: per 1 gram of Mesterolone
Produces: Highest concentration made – 50mg/ml


1 gram of Mesterolone
1 beaker suitable for holding the volume of liquids
8.4ml of PEG 300
10.5ml of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

Powder: per 1 gram of Stanozlol
Produces: Highest concentration made – 25mg/ml


1 gram of Stanozlol
1 beaker for holding the volume of liquids
7.8ml of PEG 300
31.2ml of 190 Proof Grain Alochol

For all of the above conversions requiring PEG and 190 Proof Alcohol, use the following procedure;
Place a sufficient amount of water in a pan and place on the stove
Remove from heat when the water reaches boiling temperature
Place the powder and the PEG in the beaker
Immerse the beaker in the pan of water so that the water is level with the top of the contents of the beaker
Gently swirl or stir the contents of the beaker until the solution is clear (reheat the water if necessary)
Remove the beaker from the water
Allow the PEG to cool down
Slowly add the 190 Proof Alcohol to the mixture
Gently stir until fully mixed.

For all of the above conversions where PEG is not required, use the following procedure;
Mix powder and 190 Proof Alcohol in the beaker
Gently swirl or stir the contents of the beaker until the solution is clear
The majority of powders which do not require PEG will dissolve readily but those that are troublesome, refer to the heating procedure as outlined above.
In the event that 190 Grain Alcohol (EverClear) is unavailable, then substitute Bacardi 151.
List of Materials:
190 Proof Grain Alcohol or Bacardi 151, PEG 300, PEG 600. Powder, beaker, stir rod, suitable container for holding finished preparation. Weighing scales accurate to 0.001g (if preparing yourself)

You never want to be in a situation where you have to shake it up to use it. While it’s good to shake a solution to ensure even distribution throughout the liquid, you should always prefer to have all of your powder dissolved and not to be able to see any crystals floating around in the liquid
Ideally you want a solution, not a suspension. If you have a preparation which is little more than powder sitting in liquid, or where after swirling it visibly falls down to the bottom of the vial, it is utterly useless for getting any kind of consistency of dosing. Anything worthy of being called a suspension should be fairly stable after shaking such that you can take your time to draw it.

this isnt mine. i wish i save the persons man to give them credit but i save this.
Any suggestions for something to use instead of PEG? Would VG or PG work the same? They are cheaper and easier to get.
Where does one get 190 proof alcohol ? Bacardi 151 has been out of production for a couple of years now. Everclear may have gone the way of the Do Do bird as well.
1 Buy nurofen syrup or humco
2 Add 5 g at 100 ml if you want a 50 mg/ml concentration. If you want a lower or higher mg/ml adjust the raws accordingly
3 Shake the bottle
That's all you have to do for a suspension
I now feel retarded making liquid var out of a sarms recipe that turned into a fucking wasted mess. Trying this immediately.
I used vegetable glycerin and vodka (I had no 190 proof available) to make a 20mg/ml suspension of Cialis (tadalafil).

It was 177 ml (6 oz) of Walmart brand vegetable glycerin USP. I added the 5 grams of tadalafil to the glycerin, topped off the beaker to the 250 ml line with costco vodka, put the beaker on my stirring hot plate and let it stir for about 15-20 minutes with heat on low. I added Mio for coloring and flavor. It all went in a small glass bottle from a Japanese sparkling apple drink I got at an Asian market.

I’ll update this post in about a week when I know how the suspension holds up.

p.s. Cialis raw powder doesn’t mix very well in the glycerin, the vodka helped but the stirring hot plate is what made it all possible. Shaking would’ve taken three days probably (for cialis). This suspension has to be kept somewhere safe so no one thinks it’s juice…I did label the bottle “20 mg/ml Cialis”
1 Buy nurofen syrup or humco
2 Add 5 g at 100 ml if you want a 50 mg/ml concentration. If you want a lower or higher mg/ml adjust the raws accordingly
3 Shake the bottle
That's all you have to do for a suspension
Does this works with vegetable glycerin instead of nurofen??

Also do you drop the suspension under your tongue and wait for it to dissolve or you can let's say add some drops to your protein shake and just drink it
Does this works with vegetable glycerin instead of nurofen??

Also do you drop the suspension under your tongue and wait for it to dissolve or you can let's say add some drops to your protein shake and just drink it
Should work with glycerin also. I didn't try it but I have read on forum guys that did that

I put in the mouth and then drink some water
Should work with glycerin also. I didn't try it but I have read on forum guys that did that

I put in the mouth and then drink some water
Do you see results in terms of mass gains strength libido and body composition with this method of ingestion