Orals in DMSO exprience


So for taking orals most of you guys use suspension vehicles. The raw should be homogenized so it absorbs better in the suspension vehicle. But since most oral compounds are very soluble in pure DMSO, why not use that instead of making a suspension?
Any experience with this?
Bad. You ever injected DMSO? It burns like Stanans piss. It also allows anything you injest to get into the BBB and many other tissues.
Bad. You ever injected DMSO? It burns like Stanans piss. It also allows anything you injest to get into the BBB and many other tissues.
I don't believe he is going to inject dmso....or is that your plan, op? We used to crush up finiplix pellets and then put a dab of dmso on the inside of our thighs and dump the fini powder onto the dmso and swirl in it. Absorbs throught the skin.
My first wife complained that my breath had a horrible smell of corn coming off it when I was doing this. My physique changed. Lean and hard. My first encounter with Tren Ace. It was hard to figure how much Tren I was actually getting?

Eagle Research soon after marketed a conversion kit that gave me golden Tren Ace to inject and Test Prop to inject after converting Synovex Pellets.
No of course not for injecting.
I want to make a solution instead of a suspension for orals like aromasin, cialis, topical solutions too
Was it usp grade and pure dmso?
I saw another thread using test base in dmso as topical solution and ge didn’t mention any smell
My first wife complained that my breath had a horrible smell of corn coming off it when I was doing this. My physique changed. Lean and hard. My first encounter with Tren Ace. It was hard to figure how much Tren I was actually getting?

Eagle Research soon after marketed a conversion kit that gave me golden Tren Ace to inject and Test Prop to inject after converting Synovex Pellets.
I don't believe he is going to inject dmso....or is that your plan, op? We used to crush up finiplix pellets and then put a dab of dmso on the inside of our thighs and dump the fini powder onto the dmso and swirl in it. Absorbs throught the skin.
Even orally this is all true. He’s mentioning injesting not injecting. I see the confusion.

Edit: I realized I had autocorrected in my original comment. Sorry. The stuff shouldn’t be taken orally. Even topically it’s dangerous. It’s hard to control what it puts into your system.
well if you filter it into a vial and use clean glassware and use a needle to draw like injectable it should be fine though. Assuming dmso and the raw are pure
well if you filter it into a vial and use clean glassware and use a needle to draw like injectable it should be fine though. Assuming dmso and the raw are pure
No.. don’t inject DMSO lol. It has been used for oral solutions for other items.

But really, it’s a pain. If you have something with 0-to-none solubility just make a suspension with humco.

DMSO poses too many risks
No.. don’t inject DMSO lol. It has been used for oral solutions for other items.

But really, it’s a pain. If you have something with 0-to-none solubility just make a suspension with humco.

DMSO poses too many risks
No i am not going to inject it lol.
Just prepare it like an injectable for oral substance and take it orally.
DMSO dissolves better than anything I’ve ever seen but it also makes u smell so bad everyone will be complaining and ull get confronted everywhere u go about how horrible you smell… unfortunately it is a great solvent and the only solvent I’ve seen dissolve powders as powerful as t3
homogenized suspension in humco is far better on your gut than DMSO. if you have a cat scientific or china homogenizer with the proper blades/orifice you can add a little surfactant and your suspension will almost resemble a solution. it will also have a hell of a shelf life and wont fall out of suspension for a long time
homogenized suspension in humco is far better on your gut than DMSO. if you have a cat scientific or china homogenizer with the proper blades/orifice you can add a little surfactant and your suspension will almost resemble a solution. it will also have a hell of a shelf life and wont fall out of suspension for a long time
Yea saw it earlier mentioning that. Thanks for the tip
DMSO dissolves better than anything I’ve ever seen but it also makes u smell so bad everyone will be complaining and ull get confronted everywhere u go about how horrible you smell… unfortunately it is a great solvent and the only solvent I’ve seen dissolve powders as powerful as t3

When you realize you don’t need to make a solution the world of compounding opens before you
When you realize you don’t need to make a solution the world of compounding opens before you
Yea i know making solution is not necessary but it is more accurate for dosing. But i have seen ugl suspension testing very good so i gonna do it the easy way
Yea i know making solution is not necessary but it is more accurate for dosing. But i have seen ugl suspension testing very good so i gonna do it the easy way

You're not following, it's not about dosing.

The problem with a solution is, well now you have a bunch of solvent that you don't want. With compounding you can have the accuracy for practical purposes while using a small fraction of solvent (if any) and the flexibility of different administration routes.