New Member
I received 2 of those letters back in 2022 - both packages came from India. I moved to a different city but kept using my name on packages and haven't had a problem since. I guess my point is I'm not so sure it's either name or address. The letters are copy n paste run of the mill shit the feds do. They don't care to dump a penny of their resources into a guy ordering peptides and a bunch of test online. It's not worth the effort to them. If it were, you'd get a letter and a raid. All for personal use? Not very likely. It's the equivalent of busting a guy with a few seeds or an 1/8th worth of weed. I imagine they have much more to do with their time than to bother dudes that go to the gym everyday and use AAS' n Peptides to improve their overall wellbeing. Maybe when the borders are in check, the national Debt is slowed, inflation stops, and a plethora of others issues are resolved they'll get to the oils, peps, and tabs orders for personal consumption.I'm on 3, and 1 seizure no letter. The address doesn't matter, the name does. Good thing I have a middle name as well as a couple of pseudonyms that look very close to local mailman but are absolutely different to a computer scanner. USPS admits that they track names, not addresses simply because people move.
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