Package seized

I think getting popped is the luck of the draw. Kinda like winning Mega Millions.
It absolutely is luck of the draw, but the odds are nowhere near as extreme as winning "Mega Millions." The odds are pretty low. But it happens, and it happens much more frequently than most here are willing to admit.

There is a whole system that goes into how the postal service looks for things like this.
Just to weigh in here.

It absolutely is luck of the draw, but the odds are nowhere near as extreme as winning "Mega Millions." The odds are pretty low. But it happens, and it happens much more frequently than most here are willing to admit.

There is a whole system that goes into how the postal service looks for things like this.

You can post 10 articles over 3 years, even if that’s 10% of the actual arrests, that’s insanely low.

It’s like saying that you’re risking being raped by hanging out with illegal immigrants because an illegal raped somebody… get real…

Also, IMPORTANTLY, although not directly stated, most/all of these cases involved a snitch. That’s the real risk, ending up in a situation where you get tattled on. Don’t expose yourself to people who might rat. Easier said than done but that’s the real way you get caught, not randomly by some task force.

Ordering for personal use, posting about it on an online forum with a pseudonym, thats not going to get you in trouble. Even if the package gets caught caught nobody is wasting their time on a rando with no criminal history for one suspicious package. Doing something erratic and getting busted with it in your possession is obviously a problem, it’s contraband. If you distribute it, recognize that your risk increases as you grow.
I ONE HUNDRED PERCENT guarantee that your story about the traffic stop with the trooper involved an outside informant. We’ve all gotten traffic tickets…. do you get “randomly” searched when that happens? No. It’s because it’s not random.
Hello, recently one of my packages containing HGH was seized. This is the first time something like this has happened to me, and I really needed this HGH. How should I go about my next order? Order under a different name? Address?
Package was seized about a week ago. How long should I wait until my next order?
If possible, change recipient address
Also, IMPORTANTLY, although not directly stated, most/all of these cases involved a snitch. That’s the real risk, ending up in a situation where you get tattled on. Don’t expose yourself to people who might rat. Easier said than done but that’s the real way you get caught, not randomly by some task force.
That's nonsense.

The vast majority involve nothing but dumb luck on the postal inspector's part.

Most cases are made by a dog.

Dogs cannot sniff out steroids.

Nevertheless, the dogs that the local police on task forces at the postal distribution centers use are nowhere near as good or reliable as they would like us to believe. Dogs hit on packages that do not contain the drugs that dogs are trained to look for ALL THE TIME. The packages hit on get pulled off to the side for further investigation. Then the postal inspectors have a checklist they go down. Unfortunately, your steroid package checks off most or all of the checklist.

So that's when the investigation starts. They have a record of everything ever sent to you by everyone and the tracking for it.

Then they try to deliver and question you or knock and talk or, worst of all, see a judge to try to get a search warrant. The first two options are followed up by a search warrant, as well, frequently. Then if the federal prosecutor is not interested (and he won't be), they go to the local PD and SO drug teams, who are almost always interested.

I have previously posted the USPS checklist and case law describing exactly what the postal inspectors and local police do in these situations. No, I am not going to go find all of that again this time around.
That's nonsense.

The vast majority involve nothing but dumb luck on the postal inspector's part.

Most cases are made by a dog.

Dogs cannot sniff out steroids.

Nevertheless, the dogs that the local police on task forces at the postal distribution centers use are nowhere near as good or reliable as they would like us to believe. Dogs hit on packages that do not contain the drugs that dogs are trained to look for ALL THE TIME. The packages hit on get pulled off to the side for further investigation. Then the postal inspectors have a checklist they go down. Unfortunately, your steroid package checks off most or all of the checklist.

So that's when the investigation starts. They have a record of everything ever sent to you by everyone and the tracking for it.

Then they try to deliver and question you or knock and talk or, worst of all, see a judge to try to get a search warrant. The first two options are followed up by a search warrant, as well, frequently. Then if the federal prosecutor is not interested (and he won't be), they go to the local PD and SO drug teams, who are almost always interested.

I have previously posted the USPS checklist and case law describing exactly what the postal inspectors and local police do in these situations. No, I am not going to go find all of that again this time around.

DOGS??? Bahahahah.

Dogs are a tool to circumvent fourth amendment and police brutality laws, any asshole knows that.

It’s not fucking dogs dude.
DOGS??? Bahahahah.

Dogs are a tool to circumvent fourth amendment and police brutality laws, any asshole knows that.

It’s not fucking dogs dude.
They are absolutely a tool to circumvent the Fourth Amendment, but, there you are. They are using the dogs to catch things the dogs were never meant to catch.

The courts sign the warrant.

Once they have a warrant, it does not matter that the dog caught something he is not trained to catch.

It is, like somebody said above, a numbers game. Luck.

Thankfully, they catch very few shipments this way, but they do catch some.
By the way, for anybody wondering, this is not guess work. I tried to hint above, but there are things I know firsthand, in addition to secondhand confirmation in many other cases.

It is not always dogs, of course, but that is how a large percentage are caught, that is, initially separated and set aside for further scrutiny.
They are absolutely a tool to circumvent the Fourth Amendment, but, there you are. They are using the dogs to catch things the dogs were never meant to catch.

The courts sign the warrant.

Once they have a warrant, it does not matter that the dog caught something he is not trained to catch.

It is, like somebody said above, a numbers game. Luck.

Thankfully, they catch very few shipments this way, but they do catch some.

Is math like a foreign concept to you or something ??

Do you realize the ODDS of a dog getting a random false alert on your illegal package???

It’s discrimination or snitching. Every. Single. Time.
Um, no. You are guessing. Your guess sounds plausible, but it's still a guess. I am telling you how things work based on actually knowing. That is the difference between your posts and my posts.
I have previously posted the USPS checklist and case law describing exactly what the postal inspectors and local police do in these situations. No, I am not going to go find all of that again this time around.

That's fine. You did the work, the information is out there for anyone who doesn't need to be spoon fed. Respect.

They are absolutely a tool to circumvent the Fourth Amendment, but, there you are. They are using the dogs to catch things the dogs were never meant to catch.

That makes sense, in line with your interlocutor:

It’s discrimination or snitching. Every. Single. Time.

Sounds like something you'd see in Dexter or a pseudo-dirty serial cop drama. Using less savory means to catch bad guys.
Um, no. You are guessing. Your guess sounds plausible, but it's still a guess. I am telling you how things work based on actually knowing. That is the difference between your posts and my posts.

Um no. I'm not guessing.

I'm going based off my own experiences and observations of the publicly distributed information related to various cases. Read the discovery it tells a completely different story than the local news posted or that the cops alleged.

For the umpteenth time. Do you not fucking realize the odds of a dog randomly tagging your shit if you don't have contraband they can detect? those odds are like, lottery odds. Like. It's not going to happen. If a dog 'randomly' tags your shit 100% it was selected by a human for one reason or another. There is no denying this.\

Even if you did have cocaine or weed or bomb materials something the dog was trained to detect they still are ineffective half the time. Look it up easy google.


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