Package seized

This is not always true. There are plenty of examples of law enforcement going after small orders and small amounts of possession. A lot depends upon where you live, and USPS will turn over their evidence to the locals if local law treats possession more harshly than the federal system (which is true for most states for steroids and probably so for hgh, as well).
Interesting, thanks.
In germany there are 16 different federal states, and the law is all over the same, but in some states, the justice is more relaxed than in others.
In bavaria, as example, there are very strict and penalty from their courts are many higher as in some others.
This is not always true. There are plenty of examples of law enforcement going after small orders and small amounts of possession. A lot depends upon where you live, and USPS will turn over their evidence to the locals if local law treats possession more harshly than the federal system (which is true for most states for steroids and probably so for hgh, as well).

Interesting, thanks.
In germany there are 16 different federal states, and the law is all over the same, but in some states, the justice is more relaxed than in others.
In bavaria, as example, there are very strict and penalty from their courts are many higher as in some others.

Malfeasance is overblowing it honestly. We are not strict like Australia or the EU.

You can read about it. Generally the package gets seized with a 'love letter' stating they took it and you can claim it if you choose or simply let it go. It's a real pain for the authorities to do a controlled delivery in our country, and it's not possible to convict someone of a crime without proof they took possession of the illegal package, so yeah it's rare. Especially for unlabeled vials with not schedule I or controlled substances in them.

The effort required for enforcement in America doesn't justify the cost of trying to fuck somebody on a random package that might or might not be illegal stuff once. Even in a po dunk town with cops that have nothing better to do...
I see...

I europe the steroid law is very different. And the mentality from the different countries is also crucial.
In scandinavia, except finland(finland is no scandinavia) they are very strict, also im germany and austria. But in eastern europe they are more relaxed. Also in the netherlands or belgium.
In some eastern europe gyms you can buy steroids like proteinpowder.
This is not always true. There are plenty of examples of law enforcement going after small orders and small amounts of possession. A lot depends upon where you live, and USPS will turn over their evidence to the locals if local law treats possession more harshly than the federal system (which is true for most states for steroids and probably so for hgh, as well).
Can you point to a single example of law enforcement in the US prosecuting for a small order of individual user PEDs? There are plenty, so you should be spoiled for choice.
I know myself, i will have to test every single vial if they are stealth

Not worth it

I ordered raws now. Enough for 3 years of trt
Why bother? Test is so cheap and has such a long shelf life, 3 years of TRT is 15-20 vials. With the right sale you can buy that from reliable UGLs for under $500.
Why bother? Test is so cheap and has such a long shelf life, 3 years of TRT is 15-20 vials. With the right sale you can buy that from reliable UGLs for under $500.

Brewing can be a hobby/obsession. Not many cons. I can see why someone would say "why bother" tho. A common answer would be to have more control over what you're injecting.

When you can get your shit tested directly (jano) and the ease of re-filtering gear, I don't think it's a big deal either way.
Isn't it like super safe to order within the EU? I tought that there are no checks whatsoever when ordering within the EU?
In DK we have several entrance points, and if my 'name' and 'adress' shows up they will open everything at this route/entrance point, (will not go into specific details on a open forum ) but you can it in via another name /adress, if it's not again, randomly pulled out for a check.

If I order some, lets's say obvious AAS, test and deca, cutoms will send a note to the police. I will get a note that I'm a 'suspect' but that they will drop the charges and destroy the items, or we can go to court, if I want to claim my products...

Have also looked inte some court charges, and it was A LOT of items/vials/ampules - so I figured I would be alright , If I only ordered small amounts

So I have tested Dk customs just for the fun of it, and to get some insight how they work.

What I know so far, if this can help anyone in DK:

Every common AAS + pills i cant get + Anastrozole, Exemestane, HCG they take.

Things customs opened but not seized:

Cabergoline, Isotretinon, Insulin (lantus), Insulin (lilly), Insulin (Kwk), Modafinil,Original Viagra ( think they take Kamagra because it is not an accepted replica).....

But like I said In DK we have several entrance points :p
In DK we have several entrance points, and if my 'name' and 'adress' shows up they will open everything at this route/entrance point, (will not go into specific details on a open forum ) but you can it in via another name /adress, if it's not again, randomly pulled out for a check.

If I order some, lets's say obvious AAS, test and deca, cutoms will send a note to the police. I will get a note that I'm a 'suspect' but that they will drop the charges and destroy the items, or we can go to court, if I want to claim my products...

Have also looked inte some court charges, and it was A LOT of items/vials/ampules - so I figured I would be alright , If I only ordered small amounts

So I have tested Dk customs just for the fun of it, and to get some insight how they work.

What I know so far, if this can help anyone in DK:

Every common AAS + pills i cant get + Anastrozole, Exemestane, HCG they take.

Things customs opened but not seized:

Cabergoline, Isotretinon, Insulin (lantus), Insulin (lilly), Insulin (Kwk), Modafinil,Original Viagra ( think they take Kamagra because it is not an accepted replica).....

But like I said In DK we have several entrance points :p
Do you know if there is a big chance that the package will get through if you use someone elses address and name? Or it will be more of a chance that you will just get this person to strugle with his amazon packages in the future?
And you don't got problems with the police or justice?
I'm wondering, because in germany, as example, after the customs seized a package with roids, the visit you very early in the morning.
I thought the steroid law in the USA is very strict...?

The laws are written strict but it’s up to those in power if, when and how those laws are enforced.

Knock on wood but I think those laws are just “grandfathered” in from a time when public attention was more focused on steroids.

There was likely a period no long ago where it was easier to get Testosterone through customs than ivermectin.
Almost everyone gets here eventually.

I appreciate the satisfaction of making it yourself, however, 3 years of TRT @ 200mg/wk is 15 vials. I can get that for less than. $200 delivered from a trusted lab, send off a sample to Jano and be at $375, so $125 / yr. Enough for 6 years would be $95/yr with a Jano test of the batch.

By the time you put together the equipment and ancillaries you're spending more than that. Then there's time, waste, and ofc it'd be unwise to not to have your first batch tested.

The only thing holding me back from getting 6 years worth are my lingering concerns degradation of oils over that time, and to a lesser extend how well the stoppers would hold up. OFC we know raws also degrade, and I have a theory that oils and alcohol actually halt that process.
a123 is basically correct. However, once you get a love letter it is wise to no longer use the same receiver, especially if that receiver is you.
a123 is basically correct. However, once you get a love letter it is wise to no longer use the same receiver, especially if that receiver is you.

I'm curious what the reasoning is. Most folks receive reships and other shipments just fine after a love letter.
a123 is basically correct. However, once you get a love letter it is wise to no longer use the same receiver, especially if that receiver is you.

I'm curious what the reasoning is. Most folks receive reships and other shipments just fine after a love letter.

I have received a few love letters and still had packs land to the same name and address after. Even from the same vendors.

I am a little skeptical about addresses being blacklisted but everyone has their own risk tolerance, which is fine imo.
As long as I have your guys attention...I just posted a thread about damaged raws, any advice is greatly appreciated.

Apologies for the thread jack: :)