may not be e2, just too much test. nearly 1gram of test a week is alot. test increases BP and heart rate decreases blood sugar all things have symptoms you describe, pretty straight forward. if was e2 would of likely noticed symptoms appear slowly over the 4 weeks and wouldn't be instantly converted hrs after the extra 200mg.. not impossible, just think its likely more to do with too much test or perhaps reaction to different carrier oil or additive.
-who knows if UGL adds something for more feels
-taking more medication for taking more medication probably not the best idea if worried about health
-upping your med 4X instantly like that(with presumably no blood work as only 4 weeks) THEN adding another 25% seems crazy. esp if was the day after your normal dose and not spaced.
-go get blood work before assuming its E2
-keep your dosage what dr rxd, pretty surprised dr went from 200 to 800 or is that what u just decided and using up ur rx faster?
stay safe man, glad u talked to a HCW, but best to go speak to your DR.
dont take shit from guys on the rig man, never know if they reuse needles, clean there vials etc.