Parabolan ( tren hex ) less sides then ace and enanthate?

Hex may at best offer slightly more stable blood levels. However, not likely if you practice sane injections frequency on the other esters. The sides being more apparent IMO based on blood level stability, personal tolerance, side mitigation techniques (like getting proper sleep)

Maybe someone smarter than me knows more than my monkey logic will comment.
I agree with superdrol that it may be due to more stable blood levels. I'm running tren e ATM (just because I'm tired of pinning ed) and the sides seem pretty manageable ATM. Probably will stick with E for the foreseeable future just for less pinning
I am 6 weeks into my first run of tren hex and I am having no sides at 240mg. Now normally by week 6 on 300mg tren ace I start having some indigestion so we will see.
Tren A and tren E were so different (for me) it could have been two different drugs. Only seems fair that hex would be different as well.
Tren A and tren E were so different (for me) it could have been two different drugs. Only seems fair that hex would be different as well.
Hmmm I wonder why that is. Mabey it really is about the more stable bloods or mabey something to do with a more slower release or something. Which one was better for you?
Hmmm I wonder why that is. Mabey it really is about the more stable bloods or mabey something to do with a more slower release or something. Which one was better for you?

I don’t want to run either again but FUCK tren E. At least with A I had *some* positives
With ace if your life starts going south you'll be feeling better in a couple days. With E you have at least a week...

That's why I never tried E or H
Lol let's be real, the gains are so good that people wont even get off despite their life going to shit and side effects start to occur
Used the real Negma Parabolan back in the day and never seemed to have the anxiety, insomnia that tren ace caused for me. Could have been because I was younger as well, but gave up any form of tren years ago. No point in feeling shitty unless you’re making a lot of money off your physique.
Tren A and tren E were so different (for me) it could have been two different drugs. Only seems fair that hex would be different as well.
I have heard this a LOT. Many people say Enanthate feels like a completely different drug. Sounds like many people don’t tolerate tren E very well even when injected daily just like ace. I would assume hex would be different from the other two