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Wbat would the uses for exogenous adrenaline be?

The ultimate pre workout?
Not OP.

Anaphylaxis/allergic reaction would be about the best use (some countries that start with USA) can charge $500-1000 to have an EPI Pen on hand (don't get me started on that insanity).

I'm scared/impressed/not judging (ok maybe a little) if someone is using that as part of their pre-workout mix but now you got me curious on the answer.
Not OP.

Anaphylaxis/allergic reaction would be about the best use (some countries that start with USA) can charge $500-1000 to have an EPI Pen on hand (don't get me started on that insanity).

I'm scared/impressed/not judging (ok maybe a little) if someone is using that as part of their pre-workout mix but now you got me curious on the answer.
The epi pen thing makes more sense, I hadn't even considered that

And I don't know if people use it pre workout or not, that's just kind of where my mind gravitated too when the question was asked.

Imagine slamming some adrenaline in the parking lot then going into the gym for a leg day. Would probably be a wild ass leg day, assuming your heart rate isn't off the rails