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In your case I probably wouldn't want to be holding anything that could be considered intent to distribute, at least not in my domicile.
Intent to distribute" charges in the absence of evidence of actual distribution is as much a myth as "Controlled delivery" is in the context of finished vials of AAS and India pharma.
strongly disagree base on actual personal experience.. not gonna elabortate tho

strongly disagree base on actual personal experience.. not gonna elabortate tho

Do you also disagree that home brewers in possession of raws are at risk of being convicted of the most serious category of drug related crime, manufacturing?

Raws are "listed chemicals" and possession of that, BA and BB is all that's required to secure a conviction.

Meanwhile you want to make people think "stocking up" with a few dozen vials of test, puts them at risk of "intent to distribute" charges, absurd and baseless.

Do you also disagree that home brewers in possession of raws are at risk of being convicted of the most serious category of drug related crime, manufacturing?
No I strongly agree 100%
Meanwhile you want to make people think "stocking up" with a few dozen vials of test, puts them at risk of "intent to distribute" charges, absurd and baseless.
I never said any of that you are deliberately trying to pick an argument with me to provoke me.. and it almost worked.. shame on you.. it must be miserable always feeling the need to be right. I told tou I had real personal experience on the subject.. The exact matter plus others . You do not deserve my rebuttal.. if I ever had any respect for you at all.. I not longer do.
In your case I probably wouldn't want to be holding anything that could be considered intent to distribute, at least not in my domicile.
I'm not worried about that considering what I have but I do keep a bright yellow container with a "back the blue" flag on it and a lable saying "LE Only". It's filled with an assortment of dick pills incase they really do want to fuck me. At least they can't say I wasn't cooperative.
No I strongly agree 100%

I never said any of that you are deliberately trying to pick an argument with me to provoke me.. and it almost worked.. shame on you.. it must be miserable always feeling the need to be right. I told tou I had real personal experience on the subject.. The exact matter plus others . You do not deserve my rebuttal.. if I ever had any respect for you at all.. I not longer do.
About 20 years ago, I was charged with intent to manufacture and intent to distribute when a game warden found seeds and stems in a tackle box while looking for lead fishing sinkers. Total weight was less than a gram. Just because they charge you doesn't mean it will hold up in court, but they can still lock you up while it goes through the courts.
Do you also disagree that home brewers in possession of raws are at risk of being convicted of the most serious category of drug related crime, manufacturing?

Raws are "listed chemicals" and possession of that, BA and BB is all that's required to secure a conviction.

Meanwhile you want to make people think "stocking up" with a few dozen vials of test, puts them at risk of "intent to distribute" charges, absurd and baseless.

View attachment 296624

That is Tennessee law and does not apply anywhere else.


And as for your "myth" about controlled delivery of finished vials, that happens, which makes it not a myth. The fact that it is rare does not make it "myth," which is your way of claiming it never happens. That makes your statement demonstrably false.

Stop being so dogmatic about everything.
About 20 years ago, I was charged with intent to manufacture and intent to distribute when a game warden found seeds and stems in a tackle box while looking for lead fishing sinkers. Total weight was less than a gram. Just because they charge you doesn't mean it will hold up in court, but they can still lock you up while it goes through the courts.
Sometimes it can stick...
Let's just cut the shit ok?

I brought up a very thoroughly researched and documented argument that all point to the fact the small "de minimus" packages everyone gets their gear and ancillaries from are gong to be subject to much stricter enforcement in the very near future. I pointed out it would be prudent to stock up because once this happens, it's very likely going to get much harder to get these things than it is now. We just got a very small taste of it with India pharma vendors all experiencing a significant uptick in seizures.

After some low information clowns dismissed that out of hand, like Malfeasance, Declan, a Canadian who takes the opposite position of everything I say, announced, in the name of "Harm Reduction" that this was terrible, dangerous advice and would lead to arrests for "intent to distribute". His followers, like Dirthand, immediately started parroting that line, insisting I was putting people in danger with this terrible advice. "Stocking up" was presented as some terribly risky, life destroying advice and I should stop saying it immediately.

Of course they present no details, no law, none of the elements required to be charged with the crime, no news stories, no cases, and certainly no convictions. The legal equivalent of "feels".

All these cases must be sealed from the public record, and defendants flown out to Guantanamo Bay for secret trial and held prisoner in black sites.

Exactly how much stocking up would make my advice the "Harm" these retards were screaming it is? How much would put you in danger of "Intent to distribute"? 2 vials? 1 multi dose vial? They can't answer, because they're know nothings who don't possess any intellectual integrity.

BTW, clowns, most states mirror federal law, where .5ml is a "unit" of anabolic steroid oil. 20 units per 10ml vial. Up to 999 units, 49 vials, is the same offense level as one GRAM of pot. Ooo, better not "stock up" or you're going down for hard time. There, look at that, you've learned something about this subject that's factual, and not based on your "gut feeling", irrelevant anecdotes, and third hand stories.

Unlike them, I did the legwork, looking into the law, searching cases in the databases set up for that purpose, and the news.

There's not a single case documented anywhere of simple possession of AAS being prosecuted as "intent to distribute" without a pile of evidence unquestionably demonstrating sales.

And it dawned on me these "Harm Reduction" hypocrites had not only turned their homes into drug labs, becoming Schedule III manufacturers, the highest level of drug crime by the way, and god help you if there's a gun in the house adding a mandatory DECADE to the sentence, they actively encourage others to do so without ONCE warning of the serious, real, consequences of what happens if someone is caught. Unlike the imaginary "caught with 2 dozen vials of Test" at home they claim I'm putting people at "great risk" for suggesting, manufacturing does get prosecuted on a regular basis.

It's not about harm reduction by warning of the dangers of "stocking up", leading to "intent to distribute" charges. It's about some retards with a grudge saying whatever bullshit sounds good to take a swipe at me.

I bring research, the law, and facts to the table. They bring nothing but feelings and anecdotes.
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. His followers, like Dirthand, immediately started parroting
i have actually followed that story and found it informative some of the best post you ever made was about that subject so to put me in it like that is false.
Of course they present no details, no law, none of the elements required to be charged with the crime, no news stories, no cases, and certainly no convictions. The legal equivalent of "feels".
This is not true either..I am all for stocking up..ALL FOR IT> i said i have personal experience but wasnt going to elaborate because i am trying not to keep bring up my past because i am not proud of the fact thae 18 months ago i got out of the penitentiary of where i spent a little over half a decade of my life.. Of the 8 felonies and 21 misdemeanors i was charged with one of a few that stuck was a possession with intent to deliver.. (methamphetamine) I was not dealing drugs i just had a very large quantity. So yes i know how the criminal justice system works first hand.. all this other stuff about me being against you is false.. I acually kinda liked you and respected you a little up until this.. Please do not put me in you drama anymore..
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