pct advice


New Member
Hi guys, i started my first cycle of aas around 20 weeks ago maybe slightly more. I started with dbol 30mg for 2weeks while i was waiting for test e to kick in, was on 250mgs of this for 3weeks then moved up to 400mgs and stayed at this dose for around 6 weeks, now i know i should have went off after this as id only planned a 12week cycle but i decided to stay on (against advice) and got myself some sustanon. I moved up to 500mgs and stayed at this until i ran out.. At this stage i was undecided whether to pct or b+c and dropped to a dose of 250mgs which i have been on up til now. Now here is where i need some help, after 2 weeks into the sustanon i started developing gyno which i kept at bay with letro, didnt have a clue what i was doing and was dosing it wrong, my gyno has been flaring up on and off for ages but it seems to be clearing up now that ive started using nolva and tapered off the letro. i know ive been on too long and started a pct there a few days ago which consists of nolva (was going to dose at 40/40/40/20/20/10). My brother recommended i dont use clomid as i have bad depression and anxiety.. I have d-aspartic acid for a test booster and zma aswell.
I know ive f**ked up and didnt listen to advice which id been given by a few people and now im paying the price. Any help or advice would be appreciated, thanks.
Ps..im 19yo, 6ft2, 13st4 before aas. Currently 14st around 11/12% bf, 15st
before letro use which dried me out and cut bodyfat down a bit, only strength loses were on the bench press and squat due to sore joints..
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I'd probably at least try some low dose clomid and see how you respond. If you get the emotional sides scrap it. Clomid is better at stimulating lh from my understanding. You'll probably bounce back fine but in generally cycling at your age can be bad news since your hpta is still developing. Your test is the highest it will ever be at 19- take advantage of it. No need to pour gas into a full tank. Good luck man.
You are NINETEEN and running a cycle and it's clear you don't know WTF you're doing, nothing new there.

Stop the cycle NOW and begin PCT 2-3 weeks later with either Novla or Clomid.

Your GCM should resolve as your TT/E-2 ratio normalizes.

If your symptoms persist after more than 4 weeks of PCT you NEED labs as they will help differentiate emotional from organic eriologies.
Clomid and Aromasin or Adex, and possibly an anti gyno cycle with letro. I've been using a good domestic private source. PM if you're interested.