PCT advise

@Flaming Dragon damn, I did not know that. I thought if you cycled properly it would return to normal status. No matter how much research I've done, this is the first time someone has genuinely given me an answer on that. It's disappointing to say the least. Hopefully I'll be an exception to the rule. Thanks for the heads up.
@Flaming Dragon damn, I did not know that. I thought if you cycled properly it would return to normal status. No matter how much research I've done, this is the first time someone has genuinely given me an answer on that. It's disappointing to say the least. Hopefully I'll be an exception to the rule. Thanks for the heads up.
I just ran a proper pct and didn't recover that's is the price you pay sometimes so keep that in mind my test is 209 well I guess I can't say I didn't recover because I have no baseline but a 209 is shit no matter how you look at it
@wedorecover I was literally just reading that. Sorry to hear bro. If I were you, I would wait it out before I went on TRT or possibly run another PCT. Start on some natty test boosters as well and get into the gym. Get your diet on point as well. If you have health insurance, many Dr's will put you on a monitored PCT and usually will have success with it as long as you let them know TRT is a last resort for you. A lot of these anti-aging docs are pushing TRT hard. For example, I got a prescription for Test and my pre blood test levels were 560 TT. I'd assume it was the Tren-E that has you in the low numbers, but this is only from what I've read about 19-nors, plus E is a longer ester. Keep me posted man, I'm not looking forward to PCT. I'm trying to stay as optimistic as possible.

By the way, was your PCT pharma, UGL, or research? Also, did you use HCG while on cycle or use any pre PCT?
@wedorecover I was literally just reading that. Sorry to hear bro. If I were you, I would wait it out before I went on TRT or possibly run another PCT. Start on some natty test boosters as well and get into the gym. Get your diet on point as well. If you have health insurance, many Dr's will put you on a monitored PCT and usually will have success with it as long as you let them know TRT is a last resort for you. A lot of these anti-aging docs are pushing TRT hard. For example, I got a prescription for Test and my pre blood test levels were 560 TT. I'd assume it was the Tren-E that has you in the low numbers, but this is only from what I've read about 19-nors, plus E is a longer ester. Keep me posted man, I'm not looking forward to PCT. I'm trying to stay as optimistic as possible.

By the way, was your PCT pharma, UGL, or research? Also, did you use HCG while on cycle or use any pre PCT?
My pct was pharma grade and no I didn't run hcg

