PCT Advises

Starting SERM mediated PCT THREE DAYS AFTER your last T-p pin, goodness do you ever have some reading ahead of you.

And the reading I'm referring to should be completed before you start this cycle.

Incidentally is there a reason you seemingly selected Nolvadex rather than Clomid as the PCT SERM?
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OP looking back on comments and/or threads you started it seems either you have been running a shit load of AAS (which I don't believe is the case) or have yet to decide WHAT to run.

This degree of indecision usually has its origin in a limited fund of knowledge.

I mean you've asked many of these questions previously so WHAT GIVES!
Starting SERM mediated PCT THREE DAYS AFTER your last T-p pin, goodness do you ever have some reading ahead of you.

And the reading I'm referring to should be completed before you start this cycle.

Incidentally is there a reason you seemingly selected Nolvadex rather than Clomid as the PCT SERM?

All of the reading I have done points to 3 days after last pin. The highest number I have seen was 10 days based off of a 2.5 day half life. And the reason I am going with Nolva over Clomid is simply to try something different so I have personal reference with blood work to see how my body does. But I am more than open to any literature that says this is ill advised.

OP looking back on comments and/or threads you started it seems either you have been running a shit load of AAS (which I don't believe is the case) or have yet to decide WHAT to run.

This degree of indecision usually has its origin in a limited fund of knowledge.

I mean you've asked many of these questions previously so WHAT GIVES!

Yes before I was just throwing ideas around but now I have decided what to go with and have a base of reasoning that I am now comfortable with.