PCT after first cycle... or can I cruise?


New Member
Hi guys,

I recently completed a 12 week cycle of 400 Test E. I am almost two weeks since my last injection.

For my PCT - I was advised the following:

1. Not to use HCG as I should be able to come back online naturally as I'm in my 20s and the dose wasn't very high.

2. Wait 5 weeks until everything has flushed out of my system and then check bloods.

3. From bloods determine if I need to do anything.

I was definitely shut down on cycle and so I know I'll probably have a couple of rough weeks ahead. I have girlfriend and our sex has been immense so I'm really not looking forward not to be able to have sex - is there any better way to combat this?

I was wondering would it be unwise to go on a TRT or cruising dose to avoid this - and if so, what are the risks involved of being shut down that long?

Thanks in advance.
Just suck it up and do a proper pct. You're too young to be blasting and cruising if you don't have to.

You may be able to bounce back alright without a pct regimen. I've definitely had friends that did when they were younger. Maybe grab some Cialis or Viagra to supplement with in the meantime? But waiting 5 weeks and getting bloods isn't a bad idea, though I doubt you will have bounced back that soon after.

Usually, guys will wait about 3-4 weeks before beginning their pct, which usually would last for a month.
Whoever told you not to run hcg gave you poor advice. Hcg is a very useful component in pct
Yeah whoever said not to run hcg is dumb. Ime it made recovering much easier.

Run hcg at 1500-2000 ius a week after your last pin. I personally stop 5 days in advance of my pct. then start your Nolva and clomid. 4-5 weeks is sufficient enough to start.