Pct for 12xtest c,10xeq...


New Member
I am 31 years old.
I have got 5 years experience on bodybuilding.
This is my third cycle.
My Cycle
1-12 Week 400 Test. Cyp(Twice a week)
1-10 Week 400 EQ.(Twice a week)
1-4 Week 40 Dianabol(EveryDay)
7-12 Week 50 Winstrol(EveryDay)
1-10 Week 250 testo mix (Once a week)
What do you think about cycle dosages,lenght,materials etc...
My biggest problem is what do you think about PCT?
How i have to plan PCT?
Dear Cold,

Thank you for your advise.
I have already a pct plan.
Also i designed my cycle.
I asked you because of your experience and ideas.