PCT for added compounds while on TRT?

Here's a question I haven't been able to find an answer to, whether in the gym or on the board. Obviously there is not a PCT while on TRT BUT if you add another compound say Deca stacked with your TRT, how do you PCT when you finish the added cycle time? If you're adding Injectable or Oral on a 200mg/week Test Cyp TRT program for 12 weeks do you just stop the add on with no additional HCG or AI per Dr. prescription?

And how much time do you need between the last and next time you are adding a compound??

Really no one has been able to direct me on this.

The purpose of pct is to restore production of endogenous hormones. Being that you are on replacement therapy I would not THINK you would necessarily need any form of pct. Simply discontinue whatever you added and continue normal test usage. However, I am not a doctor and could be missing something here. This is my 2¢ nonetheless
1) The purpose of pct is to restore production of endogenous hormones.

2) Being that you are on replacement therapy I would not THINK you would necessarily need any form of pct.

3) Simply discontinue whatever you added and continue normal test usage.

4) However, I am not a doctor

5) I could be missing something here.

1) YEP go on

2) Yes and continue

3) You're on a roll

4) proof positive one doesn't "need to be a doc" to legitimately help others just a commitment to learning and understanding the difference between fact (AKA evidence based data) from fiction (AKA bro science)!


6) except perhaps asking if said TRT was a self diagnosis or made on behalf of a physician?

I ask bc a brief review of the OPs earlier posts suggest the need for TRT was a self DX much like his pursuit of a GH script from docs in spite of "normal GH/IGF levels".
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Thats why my first response to posts of this nature often begins with a QUESTION, which is; define what YOU mean by TRT?
Agree with all of the above.

Only wanted to add that if you increase amount of AAS, particularly automatizing compounds, then you may require increased AI.

And to correct the OP, youre not adding any time to your proposed TRT. Youre simply adding additional compounds. Again, this may require adjustments to your AI (or a dopamine agonist, or ?) depending on which compounds you choose to add and how much.
Here's a question I haven't been able to find an answer to, whether in the gym or on the board. Obviously there is not a PCT while on TRT BUT if you add another compound say Deca stacked with your TRT, how do you PCT when you finish the added cycle time? If you're adding Injectable or Oral on a 200mg/week Test Cyp TRT program for 12 weeks do you just stop the add on with no additional HCG or AI per Dr. prescription?

And how much time do you need between the last and next time you are adding a compound??

Really no one has been able to direct me on this.

I didn't fully understand your question (I'm a bit drowsy now, b/c of shift-work) but I understood that you are on TRT, you blast by adding additional roids and then do pct to get back to your base aomount of test for TRT?

If so as other said why are you on TRT?
Have you tried a full fledged PCT for at least 6 months preferably 1 year and it failed to increase your natural testosterone?
You can only say it really failed after a brief HCG, Nolva/Clomid, AI and even a little caber for a few months.
I'd say 90%+ of the times you can get your natural test back.

They used to say you found a doctor willing to prescribe T, you're the lucky guy.
IMO you're only lucky if you found a doctor willing to prescribe PCT drugs and do the proper blood tests for months as needed to get your natural T back.
So unless you are a 300 lean pounds monster or 60 years old+ I don't see a reason to do TRT. Much less self-prescribed TRT.
Hope this helps.
I didn't fully understand your question (I'm a bit drowsy now, b/c of shift-work) but I understood that you are on TRT, you blast by adding additional roids and then do pct to get back to your base aomount of test for TRT?

If so as other said why are you on TRT?
Have you tried a full fledged PCT for at least 6 months preferably 1 year and it failed to increase your natural testosterone?
You can only say it really failed after a brief HCG, Nolva/Clomid, AI and even a little caber for a few months.
I'd say 90%+ of the times you can get your natural test back.

They used to say you found a doctor willing to prescribe T, you're the lucky guy.
IMO you're only lucky if you found a doctor willing to prescribe PCT drugs and do the proper blood tests for months as needed to get your natural T back.
So unless you are a 300 lean pounds monster or 60 years old+ I don't see a reason to do TRT. Much less self-prescribed TRT.
Hope this helps.

Ah well in summary;

1) Im on TRT. I found a Dr. that agreed to bring and keep me at 1100 ng/dl and prescribed HCG and AI. He will take my bloods in 2 weeks and then every 6 months.

2) In between my scheduled blood work I want to run a cycle of my prescribed Test (160mg/week) stacked with 300mg/wk primo, 40mg/ED Anavar, 25-50mg/ED Proviron for 16 weeks. I will not change me Dr. prescribed AI.

Thats the plan for my first cycle. After the 16 week period its been recommended by board members to simply stop the stack and go back to the TRT protocol, as Dr. prescribed.

My question is: how long till I could run the cycle again.

Ah well in summary;

1) Im on TRT. I found a Dr. that agreed to bring and keep me at 1100 ng/dl and prescribed HCG and AI. He will take my bloods in 2 weeks and then every 6 months.

2) In between my scheduled blood work I want to run a cycle of my prescribed Test (160mg/week) stacked with 300mg/wk primo, 40mg/ED Anavar, 25-50mg/ED Proviron for 16 weeks. I will not change me Dr. prescribed AI.

Thats the plan for my first cycle. After the 16 week period its been recommended by board members to simply stop the stack and go back to the TRT protocol, as Dr. prescribed.

My question is: how long till I could run the cycle again.


And that depends upon the degree of RISK your willing to accept!

I mean why stop cycling at all, if there was no additional risk in doing so right.

The risk of AAS use is cumulative and it matters not whether your "cruising" on TT or as a "TRT patient" and folk should never forget this fact.

But for those who want a more glorified nonevidence based answer the time on TRT or "cruising" should exceed or equal that of CYCLING.

An interesting factoid how do most young adult males end up on TRT, by running B&C cycles IME!

Oh yea for what it's worth B&C is one sure fire way to FU a fellas hormonal homeostasis and sex life, and that's one hell of a price to pay for temporary SKM gains, IMO

Good luck
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Ah well in summary;

1) Im on TRT. I found a Dr. that agreed to bring and keep me at 1100 ng/dl and prescribed HCG and AI. He will take my bloods in 2 weeks and then every 6 months.

2) In between my scheduled blood work I want to run a cycle of my prescribed Test (160mg/week) stacked with 300mg/wk primo, 40mg/ED Anavar, 25-50mg/ED Proviron for 16 weeks. I will not change me Dr. prescribed AI.

Thats the plan for my first cycle. After the 16 week period its been recommended by board members to simply stop the stack and go back to the TRT protocol, as Dr. prescribed.

My question is: how long till I could run the cycle again.

I'd say at least 8 weeks between cycles, preferably 10 or 12 weeks.
Would your Dr prescribe you some HCG since he/she is so open minded as to prescribe test?
IMO Female doctors are easier to prescribe test. I don't know why.
I'd say at least 8 weeks between cycles, preferably 10 or 12 weeks.
Would your Dr prescribe you some HCG since he/she is so open minded as to prescribe test?
IMO Female doctors are easier to prescribe test. I don't know why.

Yes, I'm currently on HCG at 750iu 2x/week.
Do I need to take more during the cycle? Or are HCG doses not relative to the amount of gear you run (suppressing LH levels further)?

That's interesting about female Dr's. I'd think it would be the other way around!
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Yes, I'm currently on HCG at 750iu 2x/week.
Do I need to take more during the cycle? Or are HCG doses not relative to the amount of gear you run (suppressing LH levels further)?

That's interesting about female Dr's. I'd think it would be the other way around!
HCG dose is just fine

I don't know why but maybe older doctors are jealous of younger, better looking patients of something?