PCT for beginner cycle for beginner cycle


New Member
I M 30Y 5.9'' 185 lbs .What will be the pct for Tprop 300mg/w with deca 200 mg for 8 weeks .Main purpose for cycle is to heal joint pain and lose some body fat .How much hcg ,climid and novaldex will be enough and to recover T back and for how long it should be taken.Help will be appreciated thanks.
I M 30Y 5.9'' 185 lbs .What will be the pct for Tprop 300mg/w with deca 200 mg for 8 weeks .Main purpose for cycle is to heal joint pain and lose some body fat .How much hcg ,climid and novaldex will be enough and to recover T back and for how long it should be taken.Help will be appreciated thanks.
Those are really easy answers to find if you use the search function. Loosing body fat comes from diet. As long as diet is dialed in then you should be ok.
I M 30Y 5.9'' 185 lbs .What will be the pct for Tprop 300mg/w with deca 200 mg for 8 weeks .Main purpose for cycle is to heal joint pain and lose some body fat .How much hcg ,climid and novaldex will be enough and to recover T back and for how long it should be taken.Help will be appreciated thanks.
300 mg prop is too little
I'd use at least 500 mg prop + 200 deca
HCG 250 IU 2x or even once per week
add 10 mg nolva if you think you'll be gyno prone

pct nolva 20/20/15/15/10/10/5/5
clomid is inferior to nolva IMHO