There are far to many variables to specifically the answer to your question such as:
- How many times have you cycled previously?
- What were your initial baseline labs
- What is your age
- Did you obtain labs that PROVED your HTPA had recovered from your last cycle
- Are your PCT drugs PHARM GRADE?
But IN GENERAL SERM PCT should not commence until at least FOUR and preferably FIVE half lives, of that AAS which has the LONGEST T1/2, have passed. In your case that AA is Nandrolone Decanonate with a T1/2 of bt 7-10 days!
However bc Nandrolone ALSO has 2-3 active metabolites HTPA recovery may be extended for MONTHS!
In this instance the BEST approach, unless you have a greater appreciation for clairvoyance than I do, would be to draw blood studies for at least LH and TT at 4 WEEKS after your LAST PINNING