PCT help


Ran 600mg of deca for 10 weeks and 500mg of test for 13 weeks.

Thursday will be 2 weeks after last pin of test.

How should I run my pct? I have nolva and clomid.
Ran 600mg of deca for 10 weeks and 500mg of test for 13 weeks.

Thursday will be 2 weeks after last pin of test.

How should I run my pct? I have nolva and clomid.

How much of each on hand and what was your original plan?
How much of each on hand and what was your original plan?

I have to see how much I have in the morning or when I get off work. Got family down right now so can't pull everything out. They all already think I take gear but can't prove it and I deny it lol.

A friend told me take
Not sure which dose is which of the nolva and clomid
There are far to many variables to specifically the answer to your question such as:

- How many times have you cycled previously?
- What were your initial baseline labs
- What is your age
- Did you obtain labs that PROVED your HTPA had recovered from your last cycle
- Are your PCT drugs PHARM GRADE?

But IN GENERAL SERM PCT should not commence until at least FOUR and preferably FIVE half lives, of that AAS which has the LONGEST T1/2, have passed. In your case that AA is Nandrolone Decanonate with a T1/2 of bt 7-10 days!

However bc Nandrolone ALSO has 2-3 active metabolites HTPA recovery may be extended for MONTHS!

In this instance the BEST approach, unless you have a greater appreciation for clairvoyance than I do, would be to draw blood studies for at least LH and TT at 4 WEEKS after your LAST PINNING
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This is my 2nd cycle. 1st one I didn't use a PCT as I didn't know anything about them.

I'm 23 never drawn blood before this cycle or 1st one. I wanted to for this one but haven't been able to due to work. 1st cycle I didn't know anything about getting bloods.

The pct I have is pharm grade.
I'm really wondering what your stats are? Weight, height, bf. Etc..

Weight- 185-187 on weekends and anywhere between 182-185 on work days. Weight fluctuates a lot through out the week.

Height- 5'11

Bf- not to sure but thinking 13-15%

Bench-325 last I maxed
Squat-425 last I maxed

Squat may have went down as I have dropped weight to work more on going lower. Also been squatting in a smith machine due to gym not having a squat rack.
This is my 2nd cycle. 1st one I didn't use a PCT as I didn't know anything about them.

I'm 23 never drawn blood before this cycle or 1st one. I wanted to for this one but haven't been able to due to work. 1st cycle I didn't know anything about getting bloods.

The pct I have is pharm grade.

Your 23 and this is the SECOND time you don't know what your doing and that's the very reason people less than 25 SHOULD NOT CYCLE,

They don't know WTF they are doing. People your age almost always end up using the advice of gym mates who heard the bunk most spew from another 21 year old, or thru blogs absent any evidence supporting their view points or from some magazine they don't understand.

The net effect being folks your age aimlessly wander onto AAS forums like Meso needing to be spoon fed bc of their own PREVENTABLE ignorance.

This is in spite of being told where and how they can read and learn for their OWN BENEFIT!

You dug yourself this foolish hole now gig yourself out of it fella.
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Wow!!!! Not trying to give you shit, but you really need to do a LOT of research my man!
Blows my mind when i see young guys like you take these drugs without any kind of plan for recovery
These drugs can have some very serious and negative side effects that you could end up dealing with for the rest of your life.
Having said that, i wish you the best and hope you recover 100%. And take a year off to educate yourself on cycling and recovery because its obvious from the questions you ask that you have a lot to learn. And i dont mean that as an insult but as great advice.

Best of luck