PCT holiday dilemma

Shark disco

New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm currently in my 11th week of a test e 500mg a week cycle. Fantastic results good clean weight gain and no sides so far no gyno, little to no bloat water retention and no spots.

Any ways, poor planning but I go on holiday the 30th of June. I've been doing 250iu of HCG x2 a week also. My question is ive enough time to have two weeks to clear the test then start my clomid and Novla for 4 weeks. My last tablet will be the day I leave.

I go away with the misses for 2weeks to Spain. I've read mixed reviews that I'll still be recovering and could hinder my gains, also if my natty test doesn't return for any reason I'm away for two weeks with low test, soooooo

Do I drop the dose of test e to 250mg a week for next 6 weeks and have last shot before holiday and start pct when I arrive back

Keep test e at same dosage 500ml a week until I go away

Or carry on as planned complete pct and go on holiday with completed pct etc

First cycle:
34 years old
Currently 16stone 5kg
Bf approx 10-12%

appreciate any advice
Your best option is to PCT before you leave. Two weeks isn't long enough to ruin your gains. Just eat good, clean and try to train at least 3-4 days per week will your gone.
Thanks for your advice, I was thinking ending my last shot yesterday so I will be the start of my 12th week and allow over 14 days to clear which hopefully then allows me to have 6 weeks of recovery and try and promote and keep gains as you said eat clean and well. There's a gym at the hotel and it's all inclusive. Guess if I feel pants I'll be laid in the sun not doing much ha