Some good questions/posts, but unfortunately not within the Blue Collar Radio thread.
If you wish for me to consider some topics for the broadcast, please post on that thread. If there are no objections, I will merge this thread with Blue Collar Radio later today.
Separately, I look to a TT 350+ with hCG as a marker for possible successful HPTA restoration. If less, I find the likelihood to be less. There is the importance of timing. This brings up the area of synchronization (GnRH Pulse Generator). This is the probable cause for a lower TT level in TRT with a higher baseline. Also, the reason tapering is a non-starter.
On hCG, there are very few times it should NOT be used for PCT (ASIH). It is an important part of ASIH treatment. Otherwise, one will experience a period of hypogonadism! As we all know, hypogonadism causes muscle loss. Why would anyone wish to experience this effect if avoidable.