PCT opinion


New Member
Well so last night i post a thread about all the shit i did on my first cycle (dick head stuff), in summary i ran anadrol 50mg daily for 8 weeks + winstrol 100mg/week and on my 4th week i used EQ 200mg/week, also used liver protectors. my mistake was to trust on my gym buddies and now im just trying to fix it. so this is my master plan:
1º -> Test E 250mg every 4 days until i reach the 4 half lifes of the EQ (my last EQ dose was Feb 1st so my estimated PCT start will be March 29) so i think ill need 8 shots of test e (finishing on March 4th so the half lifes will be on March 28)
2º -> Arimidex .5mg ED (is it ok to run the AI even during the PCT to avoid estrogen????)
3º -> Winstrol 100mg/week
4º blood tests (does my TT needs to be around 50ng/dl so i can start PCT??????)
5º HCG 14 days before the PCT 20,000ui 10 shots (frequency????)
6º Nolvaldex 50/50/25/25 (some say it should last 45 days?????)
7º Clomi 40/40/20/20
And finally blood tests 3 weeks after finishing PCT
Any chance i could keeps some gains?

Well so last night i post a thread about all the shit i did on my first cycle (dick head stuff), in summary i ran anadrol 50mg daily for 8 weeks + winstrol 100mg/week and on my 4th week i used EQ 200mg/week, also used liver protectors. my mistake was to trust on my gym buddies and now im just trying to fix it. so this is my master plan:
1º -> Test E 250mg every 4 days until i reach the 4 half lifes of the EQ (my last EQ dose was Feb 1st so my estimated PCT start will be March 29) so i think ill need 8 shots of test e (finishing on March 4th so the half lifes will be on March 28)
2º -> Arimidex .5mg ED (is it ok to run the AI even during the PCT to avoid estrogen????)
3º -> Winstrol 100mg/week
4º blood tests (does my TT needs to be around 50ng/dl so i can start PCT??????)
5º HCG 14 days before the PCT 20,000ui 10 shots (frequency????)
6º Nolvaldex 50/50/25/25 (some say it should last 45 days?????)
7º Clomi 40/40/20/20
And finally blood tests 3 weeks after finishing PCT
Any chance i could keeps some gains?


If your concerned about your balls then why even run AAS, bc their ability to secret TT WILL fall to ZIPPO.
Dude a "master plan" really!

If you want to begin PCT then CEASE all the AAS now!

And wait until at least FOUR half lives have passed and then start PCT.

On and one more thing, try not to blame those in the GYM for YOUR decision to RUN AAS, bc it's your responsibility to know WTH you're doing!
Dude a "master plan" really!

If you want to begin PCT then CEASE all the AAS now!

And wait until at least FOUR half lives have passed and then start PCT.

On and one more thing, try not to blame those in the GYM for YOUR decision to RUN AAS, bc it's your responsibility to know WTH you're doing!
He hit me up last night.
His problem is he doesn't have his pct shit, and he is taking long esters.
If you need some answers op I suggest you read read read!!
Every question you've asked has already been answered a bunch of times on this forum.
If you need some answers op I suggest you read read read!!
Every question you've asked has already been answered a bunch of times on this forum.

And what else is new? Not a damn thing, these kids come onto Meso on a daily basis with their mouths open and with wet
butts bc THEY CHOSE to run AAS wo reading SQUAT!

Worse yet who do you think will be "blamed" if a physician was involved in their AAS recovery and things run amuck!

As I've said many times previously PEDS are NOT the problem per se, but rather the select FEW who are using them for the ALL the wrong reasons!
Worse yet who do you think will be "blamed" if a physician was involved in their AAS recovery and things run amuck!
This is easily the saddest part of the AAS community. It's like they are forcing the knowledgable MDs to choose between risking their license to practice and helping people.

Even giving just guidance to people so they don't fuck their own bodies up can result in them losing their license. (I'm assuming the reason your creditials are not on here.)

This world is so upside down sometimes.
Oh it's not a licensure risk providing scheduled substances are avoided.

I find it annoying as heck to see these same guys placing blame on their doctors or "gym buddies" for the PROBLEMS THEY CREATED by using PEDS with such a limited fund of knowledge.
My credentials are listed in my profile.

I only wish others would do the same and were honest about it at the same time.
Oh nice I didn't know that, your profile only allows certain members to view so that probably why I never came across it.