PCT Plan after 12 months


New Member
Freind is getting ready to come off after being mostly on the last 12 months, only test, mostly at 200/mg wk. Hcg has been used 250iu M,W,F for the last 7 weeks. The last gear was junk,so has been running on Hcg solely the last month.

What is the current Hcg guidelines for restarting after a long cycle? I've read different opinions, where some say 250 EOD is all that is needed, others blast 1000-2000ius EOD. Is 50 mg Clomid shown to more beneficial than 25?

Current PCT Plan:
Clomid: 50/50/25/25 if vision sides are tolerable.
Nolva: 20/10/10/10
Hcg: 250 EOD 4 more weeks and stop the day SERMS begin

Additional Supplements:
ZMA nightly
Vit D 2000 iu/day
Maca 3g/day
Is there pre-blood working? How long you're planning on PCT? I recommend you stop HCG and give your body 72hr before starting PCT..

Yes there are pre bloods multiple times. Pre test was 400, a stable level last few years. Do you mean how long are SERMS going to be used by PCT length? If so 5 maybe 6 weeks. 1 month of only Hcg prior to that.

OK, wait for the Hcg to clear before starting. What about the amounts of Hcg? Is blasting necessary?
I agree 12 months is a long run

I've looked at that. It seems there have been edits and that it conflicts with current advice some members here are giving. This is it correct? The Hcg is taken along with the SERMS, isn't this counterproductive?

Days 1-16 HCG 2500Iu EOD
Days 1-30 Clomid 100mg ED
Days 1-45 nolva 20mg ED
I've looked at that. It seems there have been edits and that it conflicts with current advice some members here are giving. This is it correct? The Hcg is taken along with the SERMS, isn't this counterproductive?

Days 1-16 HCG 2500Iu EOD
Days 1-30 Clomid 100mg ED
Days 1-45 nolva 20mg ED

Dr. Scally is the best in the business and has the most studied PCT program available to my knowledge.

Edit* and that's not the program I'm talking about.
Rely very interesting to here I got another question you might be asked to answer. In the past when I was younger I ran.a few cycles out of 3 of them 2 were 3 months and the ithwr was like 8. I dident do really any pct.

Now I noticed after I cycle I ran aviyt three yeara ago which was months I did take nolva. But after that cycle I never expierenced depression ir just feeling off in the past. So I dident really think that it was from the juice but after a few months I staryed getting very frustrated bc I felt ao off.
Ao about a year later after a very rough year I cycles again and.a weekn into test p I felt normal and hundred times.better which I realized it really was the juice. So I was thinking I def had low test and messed up my test levels. From the past. So.im scared to come off cyclw.

I ran a 4 month cycle then cruised at .3ml test p eod for 2-3 months. I feel like im going to.have run trt for life in order to.be norma
Any input
If you want to see if you can recover you'd need to come off the year for several weeks, attempt a possibly aggressive PCT, and do blood tests.