PCT question for small cycle

Ok, a young kid (21) approached me in the gym and started talking to me about diet, training, etc. Then, he started talking about gear and admitted that he was running tren and test. So, because I actually care about people's health, I asked him about an AI and PCT. He didn't know either of those terms. Apparently whoever introduced and sold the gear to him disappeared and didn't bother telling him about AIs or PCT.

Anyway, he's only running 300mg test and 200 tren E EW and will be ending his cycle in a couple weeks (12 wks total). My question is... what PCT protocol will best suit him since his cycle is fairly minor? I want to try and offer him decent advice so he doesn't make his situation worse and stays healthy.

Clomid 50/50/25/25 ?
Nolva 40/40/20/20 ?
Exemestane ?

I haven't run a PCT in years (blast - trt) and I've never run a cycle with low dosages like that. I'm looking for any reasonable suggestions. Thank you.
Ok, a young kid (21) approached me in the gym and started talking to me about diet, training, etc. Then, he started talking about gear and admitted that he was running tren and test. So, because I actually care about people's health, I asked him about an AI and PCT. He didn't know either of those terms. Apparently whoever introduced and sold the gear to him disappeared and didn't bother telling him about AIs or PCT.

Anyway, he's only running 300mg test and 200 tren E EW and will be ending his cycle in a couple weeks (12 wks total). My question is... what PCT protocol will best suit him since his cycle is fairly minor? I want to try and offer him decent advice so he doesn't make his situation worse and stays healthy.

Clomid 50/50/25/25 ?
Nolva 40/40/20/20 ?
Exemestane ?

I haven't run a PCT in years (blast - trt) and I've never run a cycle with low dosages like that. I'm looking for any reasonable suggestions. Thank you.
I dont see any reason that wont work.,start 20 days after last pin. Tell him to keep up his diet and workout. I bet he made some gains, should help keep it. Nolva and clomid just fine
He’s young — anything u throw at him will get him back on track :)

Hell my first one was no pct

Dude sold me 2 vials and a bag of needles, said pin 1ML 250mg week for 16 weeks—- but anything extra in last shot