PCT Question ?


New Member

i run 12week of Test E

and need to run PCT
Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/100/50/50

but i have a simple question is pct should be only 28days exactly as 7days×4 or can take for 30days ? just to do not waste the rest of pills

thank you i hope yu answer that question please
thank you for reply any more answers pls ?
and is there better PCT plan than the one i wrote pls ?
and for nlovadex and clomid doses have i take the full dose per day once or split 12h apart as example 40mg nolvadex once or 20mg 12h apart ?
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You dont need nolvadex, you can go only with clomid 100/50/50/50 and if you feel anythink in that 12 weeks start whit aromasin 1tab/eod untill the end of pct
thank you for replys any more advices about my pct ?

Try reading the PCT stickies for more advice.

It would really help if you would post the following
1) precycle labs
2) your weekly T-e dosage
3) when you LAST pinned T-e
4). Was this YOUR FIRST CYCLE?
5) have you used ANY OTHER PEDS?