PCT Question


New Member

im just finishing my first cycle, 250mgTestE e3d for 15 weeks, feel the best I've ever felt, had my last pin today (14.8.23)

i have HCG and Clomid for my PCT and i know i need to wait 2-3 weeks for the Test to leave my system (enanthate) to start on clomid, but was wondering when is the best time to start my HCG? i plan on doing 500iu ED for 10 days i just wanted to know am i best doing this before the Test leaves my system or plan it to be 10days before starting Clomid?

i have looked through this page and done other research but the information i have read contradicts each other

Thank you in advance


The reason why you see many opinions is because there isn't any right answer. since it's something that not done by long-term research on humans, that's my there are many opinions. there isn't right or wrong if to start the HCG immediately or after 1-2 weeks. there are many PCT protocols, one of them said that you should take HCG during the cycle. other PCT protocol said you should take HCG with the SERMs. I would start immediately since the purpose of the HCG is to make the body start producing the natural testosterone.
Is it bro-science? I’m not sure, but when more people were running a PCT, the idea was that HCG and SERMS were not run in conjunction. This had to do with the idea that hcg desensitized Leydig cells; therefore slowing down or hindering recovery.
You take HCG during a blast or direct after last inject, prior to Tamoxifen.
(this is what my MD told me to)

@mooch6856 on a low dose test you recover naturaly, you do not need Clomid or Tamoxifen to recover.
I recommend 1000iu once a week for 4 weeks BEFORE you start clomid to get the restore up and running. HCG is suppressive for natural test it only mimics LH, don’t use it durning pct and if you are only use it for like a week
thank you all, decided i was going to Cruise in the end but still have AI on hand to control Any unwanted Side effects when Blasting