Pct Starting Soon - Opinions/thoughts


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Ok so PCT is about to start soon. is it really necessary? just joking. its been about 3 months on test e and var and im loving the strength gains. up about 20lbs and feel great, dont want it to end but i know since this is my first cycle i need to go thru a pct before i get hasty and starting taking cycles longer. im gonna run another week and a half of test e. then the final two weeks of the cycle drop the test e and go with 200mg of test prop EOD (2 vials) finishing with the var at 80mg/day. that should schedule pct start date about 20 days after my last test e pin - is this long enough? items i have for pct are: hcg, nolva, clomid, adex, aromasin, letro. any structure on using these would be appreciated, and how my diet should change accordingly would be much appreciated.