Pct test e n tren a

Oh I forgot questions are stupid how else are you suppose to learn I forgot you woke up one morning and knew everything about running cycles you are a big bag of dicks go hate somewhere else
What are some suggestions for pct 15wk cycle 750mgtest e a week 350mg tren a a week

How and/or why would THAT CYCLE differ from any other with regard to PCT.

I suppose that is what NN is referring to by "weird" and I agree bc PCT is relatively standardized.
Just asking suggestions bud my knowledge is limited so just learning if there are different things

Fair enough but let me suggest you take a gander at Meso's home page bc much of what your probably looking for is discussed at length by Bill Roberts.

Also the SUB-FORUM "sticky" threads can be quite useful if a more thorough discussion is desired.
Never be afraid to share knowledge with someone who asks. I understand the need for people to do their own homework. Good conversation is also good.
stick with test cyp if you wanna bulk or test prop if you wanna cut. stay away from tren. that shit will fuck you up. (mentally and emotional)

What the F you're talking about bro "Test C for bulk and Test P for cut".. That's the first time I heard about that! To me, test is test! It's how much/less you eat determine if you're bulking or cutting!
What the F you're talking about bro "Test C for bulk and Test P for cut".. That's the first time I heard about that! To me, test is test! It's how much/less you eat determine if you're bulking or cutting!
I've heard this many, many times. It's a confusion of the correlation. People use test p for their cuts/ end of the cycle, due to the short esters. Also, test p is grouped with tren a frequently due to the pinning cycle. There is no difference in effect, as you know, between test c and p besides the half life.