Pct timing


Well-known Member
Let's say I'm on trt at 60 mg every 3 days for about a year and need to come off for whatever reason...
Assuming I'm on trt with hcg, when's a good time to start pct? 5 days after?
Most say 2 weeks but that's more for a steroid cycle.
Let's say I'm on trt at 60 mg every 3 days for about a year and need to come off for whatever reason...
Assuming I'm on trt with hcg, when's a good time to start pct? 5 days after?
Most say 2 weeks but that's more for a steroid cycle.
Nah if ur on cyp or e...more like three weeks. Ur on a low dose steroid cycle essentially.
Let's say I'm on trt at 60 mg every 3 days for about a year and need to come off for whatever reason...
Assuming I'm on trt with hcg, when's a good time to start pct? 5 days after?
Most say 2 weeks but that's more for a steroid cycle.
Why would you need to pct if you’re trt? Makes no sence...
I wanted to come off. Felt like utter crap for a few days and got right back on
So I’ll assume it’s not doctor ordered trt.....
Feeling like shit for awhile is the price you’re gonna pay for self prescribing trt bud, ...suck it up get bloods done, do a solid pct and recover your hpta....or b a slave to the pin the rest of your life.....I would recommend trying to recover no matter what, pinning every week gets old real quick, believe me....
So I’ll assume it’s not doctor ordered trt.....
Feeling like shit for awhile is the price you’re gonna pay for self prescribing trt bud, ...suck it up get bloods done, do a solid pct and recover your hpta....or b a slave to the pin the rest of your life.....I would recommend trying to recover no matter what, pinning every week gets old real quick, believe me....
It's doc ordered... what makes u believe it's not? I'm almost 40 and lost hope of natural recovery...
I do SQ every 3 days and it's no pain at all..
It's doc ordered... what makes u believe it's not? I'm almost 40 and lost hope of natural recovery...
I do SQ every 3 days and it's no pain at all..
Since it’s ordered by a physician, I’m assuming you have low t verified by multiple bloodwork tests, so why would you come off and try to pct? Your natty ability to produce sufficient amounts of testosterone is shot for whatever reason, pct isn’t going to help so why even subject yourself to low t symptoms? I understand not wanting to pin hormones the rest of your life just to feel “ normal” but it appears that’s the road you have to travel....or learn to live with low t sides ...on the flip side of that coin, I have read, with some success, longtime users have been able to recover natty test levels high enough to eliminate the low t sides, I don’t have a link or anything, but I msure it can easily be googled ...
Let's say I'm on trt at 60 mg every 3 days for about a year and need to come off for whatever reason...
Assuming I'm on trt with hcg, when's a good time to start pct? 5 days after?
Most say 2 weeks but that's more for a steroid cycle.
Blood work will tell you when you can start. But, starting around 4-5 half-lives of your test ester should give you a ruff estimate.

Since it’s ordered by a physician, I’m assuming you have low t verified by multiple bloodwork tests, so why would you come off and try to pct? Your natty ability to produce sufficient amounts of testosterone is shot for whatever reason, pct isn’t going to help so why even subject yourself to low t symptoms? I understand not wanting to pin hormones the rest of your life just to feel “ normal” but it appears that’s the road you have to travel....or learn to live with low t sides ...on the flip side of that coin, I have read, with some success, longtime users have been able to recover natty test levels high enough to eliminate the low t sides, I don’t have a link or anything, but I msure it can easily be googled ...
Thanks. I'm going to stay on trt, I feel too good. I tried stopping 3 times and felt like udder shit.
I feel like I'm 20!