PCT.ZONE Janoshik Lab Reports


MESO-Rx Sponsor
Dear Meso,

We are here today to show testing on some of our products across our warehouses. To ensure transparency and trust, we've created a dedicated thread for customer and internal testing updates.

As a team, we understand the importance of transparency and trust in this industry, and so any and all testing will be published publicly.

Thank you for your time!

Modvigil 200 (Modafinil)

Test Report #33920.png

Raloxiheal 60 (Raloxifene Hcl)

Test Report #33922.png
Tamilong 20 (Tamoxifen Citrate)

Test Report #33921.png
Welcome to Meso

Awesome testing. Glad to see someone else it out there to show that Indian pharma is solid.

Glad someone else took over the modafinil as well. Where are you based out of homie?
Welcome to mesl.

Awesome testing. Glad to see someone else it out there to show that Indian pharma is solid.

Glad someone else took over the modafinil as well. Where are you based out of homie?
Thank you for the warm welcome!

We have India products in USA, UK and of course India. We are slowly moving products into EU but there is not enough inventory yet. That is why it took so long between test ordering and the sample received date.

We will try to test most batches that go to USA, UK and EU to build more trust for Indian pharmaceuticals!
Thank you for the warm welcome!

We have India products in USA, UK and of course India. We are slowly moving products into EU but there is not enough inventory yet. That is why it took so long between test ordering and the sample received date.

We will try to test most batches that go to USA, UK and EU to build more trust for Indian pharmaceuticals!
Welcome. Hope you get everything in stock soon for eu
Welcome. You sticking to just India meds or anabolics as well?
Competition is great for buyers. We have a solid Indian pharma source around but seeing testing at the start is always a good thing.

Looking forward to your introduction thread.
Welcome. You sticking to just India meds or anabolics as well?

Thank you!

Primarily we will focus on pharmaceutical grade meds. We do have stock in the UK of Deus Medical anabolics & other products but we likely will offer it at wholesale off-site at large discounts due to a nearing expiry date.

Competition is great for buyers. We have a solid Indian pharma source around but seeing testing at the start is always a good thing.

Looking forward to your introduction thread.

Thank you! We hope you stop by and give us any questions you may have.




Thumbs up for testing this. It’s good to see that not all Indian pharma HCG is utter dogshit.

EDIT - just looked at your website - are you planning on testing the EUTRIG 5000iu kits? Just that some guys prefer 5000iu due to the results of Liska’s storage life tests on HCG once reconstituted & I’m sure a lot of guys would appreciate those tests.
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Thumbs up for testing this. It’s good to see that not all Indian pharma HCG is utter dogshit.

EDIT - just looked at your website - are you planning on testing the EUTRIG 5000iu kits? Just that some guys prefer 5000iu due to the results of Liska’s storage life tests on HCG once reconstituted & I’m sure a lot of guys would appreciate those tests.

Yes -
Damn I dont know if it''s a good or bad thing that these are heavily overdosed.
The dosing is consistent across both tests for each variant, it should allow customers to plan accordingly and it is a more cost effective option.
The dosing is consistent across both tests for each variant, it should allow customers to plan accordingly and it is a more cost effective option.

In most fertility threads there are lot of questions about Menodac HMG in general being severely underdosed or "bunk" in general. But no one has any testing to offer.

Any chance of ever testing that brand internally? It seems rather niche but keeps coming up when mentioned.
Competition is great for buyers. We have a solid Indian pharma source around but seeing testing at the start is always a good thing.

Looking forward to your introduction thread.
This source sucks. T/A time is awful & they give bad vague excuses.

Meanwhile they’re setting up heavily manipulated telegram groups that they delete complaints. Proceed to send you spam emails to join the telegram group while you’re still waiting for them to get your pack in the mail.

Domestic T/A > 2 weeks. My international order from 24x7 will arrive first lol

Stick with 24x7
If anyone is curious I took a 75iu of Menodac HMG the day prior, and 75iu the morning of a blood test around 11am. Seems safe to say that HMG is working. I doubt clomid could have done that itself in 2 weeks.

My current fertility protocol is
2000iu HCG eod
75iu HMG eod
Clomid 100mg eod am/pm

My last Test C shot was april 28th, was on TRT with a yearly blast for 3 years.

As for T/A international PCT.zone got it too me in 14 days. Order placed last minute, DashPCT took half a grand and ghosted me, so helped me get what I needed before I ran out.
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