
I guess I also need advice on what to run for PCT and for how long.
When I'm done I will have don an 8 week cycle of deca 450/wk with test prop 100 every 3 days.
I'm 34. (Old enough to know that the words "cause" and "because" are not interchangeable)
The guys who got me started down played pct. Upon my own research, I've found them to be completely wrong about it. I've done much research now on pct and I know what I need to get. I'm just weary of where to buy because the meds are expensive and I want to be confident that I'm getting legitimate products. I'm confident that I can cycle safely and effectively if I have good sources for the pct. I still have a couple months to get the stuff. Any advice on this matter would be appreciated.
I'm 34. (Old enough to know that the words "cause" and "because" are not interchangeable)
The guys who got me started down played pct. Upon my own research, I've found them to be completely wrong about it. I've done much research now on pct and I know what I need to get. I'm just weary of where to buy because the meds are expensive and I want to be confident that I'm getting legitimate products. I'm confident that I can cycle safely and effectively if I have good sources for the pct. I still have a couple months to get the stuff. Any advice on this matter would be appreciated.

bruh, how old are you.. 18? cause you started AAS and did not figure out PCT.. kids now a days!!

Yet not mature enough to investigate the other sub-forums that were specifically designed for questions such as yours.

Why would Meso need such a thread?
Bc not a day goes by that SOME NOOB doesn't ask the same question you just posed!

Try the Steroid Post Cycle Therapy and ........ forum

But the most reliable place to acquire PCT meds is a PHARMACY