PEP Scam

I didn't read then 10 pages (my bad, just didnt have the time), but DAMN, that is completely fu**ed up to do. Create a thread named "PEP scam" just because you didn't receive your order within a week. Especially after his track record. I really had to ask myself if I should even comment on this thread because I didn't wanna BUMP such a fuc**ed up thread with a damaging title.

Was this really the best method you were able to come up with to find a resolution to your problem. Anytime I have ever had a problem receiving feedback through email, I just PM meso rep, and he takes care of shit.

Anyways, just wanted to give my 2 cents.
PEP came through for me with extremely fast delivery time. Definitely not scamming. I did my first pin a few days ago of test-e, had labs done before and will have labs done after a few weeks. I can report back then on the quality but I have heard from some vets that its g2g
Dude I could care less about being respectable on a forum. When will Yall get your dicks outta of each other's mouths long enough to make good on my 3 hundred dollar order.
Don't talk that way to us, don't you realize today is MLK day? How dare you...
300.00 FUCK someone call in the marines!

what do you mean by yall get your dicks out of each others mouths long enough to make good on your 3 hundo....

Your bumping this lame ass pep scam thread because its been a week and your tracker has not posted
Sorry but you must be new to this all. Dont worry guy, your gear will arrive.
PEP is not into scamming his track record is great.
Give it another week then come crying..
Pep is the man. Always takes care of his people he is a man of his word. I can't believe I would see the word Scam and PEP together.