What are your goals? To stay on HGH essentially, forever? Because when you come off, the benefits evaporate.
If that's the case, maybe ask that question.
"How should I use HGH forever, as an anti-aging compound"
Wouldn't mind hearing views on how that's done safely myself. I'm not opposed to GH, and see its advantages, but Tesa seems so much easier if maximizing safety, staying on for the long term, and simplicity are factors.
I can give more context.
Current blast
* 26M 183 lb running 1.25g of Test C until May with goal weight 210 lb.
* Looking for a compound to compliment my blast - better sleep, more appetite, more muscle gain and less fat gain
* I am willing to inject multiple times per day if necessary while blasting
* I am willing to use a compound that is "expensive" since this is short term
* I am willing to take risk and suffer transient side effects (I can deal with bloating or feeling a little more tired in the evening) but not permanent side effects (gynecomastia or nose/mouth growth, some COCK growth would be welcome though)
Long term
* Will drop down to 100-150 mg Test C for life, also willing to use hGH or a related peptide for life. I have already signed up for using Tirz for life, that's the only other peptide I use.
* I want better sleep and I highly value looking young and healthy (a collagen booster would help a lot)
* I am not really willing to do a complicated injection schedule in the long term. If I could inject once a day or even once a week that would be ideal.
* I want to have minimal side effects while not blasting, I don't want to have to deal with managing peptide induced fatigue
Current thoughts
So far as I know Pfizer Ngenla allows for weekly injections but the cost per IU is more than 10x the cost of Chinese hGH making it completely out of the questions for blasting. However there's a tiny chance that I might determine the cost difference is worth the convenience of needing less injections while cruising so I haven't totally ruled it out.
Tesa sounds promising based on it not affecting insulin like you mentioned in your previous post and also increasing GH throughout the day, not requiring me to stress about injecting during my day to day life.
I saw you mention in another thread that it's the only/one of the only drugs that has been shown to be safe and FDA approved for treating HIV patients so that is relieving.
If think the next thing for me is to calculate how affordable it is to add in Tesa long term and how easy it is to get a stash of some to last a few years. When I briefly skimmed a pricelist earlier today I remember being worried about the cost of using it at 1 mg/day. I'll re-evaluate that.
Wildcard here is maybe hGH is just so fucking good I decide to just keep using it and end up not minding just using straight hGH with 1-2x injections per day instead of a secretagogue altogether.