Peptides/AAS for tendon rupture recovery

Well I fucked up and need surgery now for a completely ruptured patellar tendon. I will have surgery pretty soon. I'm getting together a get well quick package and have a few things on the way already. I have been researching and know the usual suspects to include. Just wanted to see if there was any point in using the kitchen sink method. For dosages I will be using the high ranges with BPC157 and TB500. Prob around 1mg of each per day. HGH will start at 2IUs ed. Will go up if water retention isn't too bad.

What I have now or already on the way:
BPC157/TB500 combo
TB 500

What I'm prepared to buy/use if needed:
collagen powder
Deca/Bold cyp

I have been on BnC since last year in May. Was making really great progress until this happened but haven't stopped training what I can. Upon injury I dropped all compounds but test. I'm using a TRT dose currently and will keep that there until I can resume most gym activities.

The additional six items I listed were all found in other posts/articles about tendon injuries/healing. I'm not sure if any of them will work but I do already have the nand and var.

Should I use any of the other 6 items listed?
Hey, MM! Just wanted to say "Hey"! Its been a little while. Hope you can get what you need out of those products. There are some guys who will hopefully stop in who know a lot more than I do about the subject you broached. Be safe!
Hey, MM! Just wanted to say "Hey"! Its been a little while. Hope you can get what you need out of those products. There are some guys who will hopefully stop in who know a lot more than I do about the subject you broached. Be safe!
Yo BB whats up brother?! Long time no talk dude. I hope you've been well. I haven't been on the forums much lately. I got into some car hobbies recently and a lot of gym time. Man, shit was looking sweet until this. Legs are shrinking already. I'll be back tho for sure. Hopefully by December.

I hope the main three will help but willing to use others if needed lol. Funny too cause I was thinking about some stuff we talked about last time, just the other day.
i tore a calf muscle in February, but was already dealing with tendonitus in both elbows , lng story short i have been using tb frag and bpc for several months no real change until i upped my dose from 1 mg of each daily then i upped it to 2 mg daily finally landing on the 3 mg daily of each peptide and everything seems to be healing now , but i personally didn't see a change until i started a larger dose , and from personal experience "spot injections " did not help any better imo
I've never done it personally but I have heard that adding Anavar to the stack you already have can help with collagen synthesis. I'd throw some copper in there too.
i tore a calf muscle in February, but was already dealing with tendonitus in both elbows , lng story short i have been using tb frag and bpc for several months no real change until i upped my dose from 1 mg of each daily then i upped it to 2 mg daily finally landing on the 3 mg daily of each peptide and everything seems to be healing now , but i personally didn't see a change until i started a larger dose , and from personal experience "spot injections " did not help any better imo
Very interesting. I appreciate the info on your experience. This is exactly what I was looking for in the upper range and beyond of the two main peptides for healing. I will have enuf of both to run for several months at high doses. I was gauging my next purchase for extended use thru rehab and into training.

I also heard recently about the peptides being more systemic then originally thot. I'm very happy for that. I was listening to Fouad's podcast where he talked about injecting BPC157 directly into his tendon. Fuck that.
I did do "painful" injections into my inner elbow tendon and while i say they were painful in a sense of hard pressure going into the tendon, it was something i wont do again i tried for 2 months with ehh ? But since upping the dose and doing it subq with my hgh better overall imo i think upping the dose was the key factor
Very interesting. I appreciate the info on your experience. This is exactly what I was looking for in the upper range and beyond of the two main peptides for healing. I will have enuf of both to run for several months at high doses. I was gauging my next purchase for extended use thru rehab and into training.

I also heard recently about the peptides being more systemic then originally thot. I'm very happy for that. I was listening to Fouad's podcast where he talked about injecting BPC157 directly into his tendon. Fuck that.